Computer Korner
Your Weekly Computer Tips by WorldStart
Sep 22, 2009 - 8:31:24 PM

The Bahamas Weekly is pleased to present weekly computer tips by

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Quick Tips

The Week In Technology

For those of you who have seen the fake anti-virus programs, with names such as AntiVirus 2009, Vista AntiVirus, AntiVirus 360, you know they are definitely annoying and conniving. They pretend to find multiple "infections" on your computer and then prompt or require you to pay for an "upgrade" in order to remove the "infections".The software is a complete scam. Instead of improving and updating its security software, Microsoft has found new, better method to prevent these "scareware" programs: lawyers and lawsuits. According to Reuters, the software giant has filed suit against several "companies" that create these fake anti-virus programs, companies with names such as "Soft Solutions", "ote2008" and "Direct Ad". Microsoft intends to uncover who is actually creating and distributing these programs.

Intuit, a personal financial software company (creators of QuickBooks) will acquire Mint, a free online personal finance service, for around $170 million. Mint has been growing rapidly ever since it first launched two years ago, gaining around 3,000 users a day. The company is currently valued at around $140 million.

Google has been scanning and allowing users to read millions of books through it's Google Books service, even allowing users to search through the books. Now, Google is working with a firm called On Demand Books, to allow users to turn those digital books into paper copies. On Demand Books is a company that has created a device called the Espresso Book Machine, which is able to print out a 300 page gray-scale book with a color cover in about 4 minutes. Bookstores with this machine will able to print out any of the 2 million public domain books in Google Books.

~Bryan Scheiber is a Systems Administrator in Metro Detroit.

Computers 101

I lost the address bar in Firefox!. How do I get it back?

I'm not sure how this happens, but now and then the address bar will disappear. Restoring it is pretty easy...

In Mozilla Firefox go to View>Toolbars and make sure " Navigation Toolbar" is checked.

See, that wasn't so hard. Now you should have your address bar back.

~ David

MS Office

Word Corrects Everything Else… Why Not This?

I don't know about you but there are a couple of words that I just can't seem to type correctly… whether it's my inability to hit the keys correctly or a simple brain-block of the correct spelling… there are just certain words that always end up underlined with that little ugly red squiggle line.

It's definitely frustrating!

And what seems to make it worse is that there's so much Word's AutoCorrect will fix and yet not the one or two quirks that I have.

I could spend the time adding them to the AutoCorrect but you and I both know that when I open the AutoCorrect dialog box I'll never remember everything. The logical conclusion is that I'll spend a lot of time going in and out of the AutoCorrect dialog box to add them as they come up.

Or will I?

It sure would be nice to add them efficiently as I notice the problem and fortunately we can.

I'm sure that we all know that we possess to ability to right-click on a misspelled word and choose the correct word from a suggested list… assuming, of course, that we're in the ball park of the correct spelling.

But, have you ever taken a look further down the right-click list?

Instead of choosing the correct word at the top, go down and click the AutoCorrect choice.

The same list of words will open under the AutoCorrect choice. By choosing the correct spelling from here you'll automatically be adding it as an entry to your AutoCorrect settings.

As always, there's a "catch". You can't add an actual word to the AutoCorrect. For example, if you frequently type form instead of from you're stuck with it. You can only add things to the list that aren't words.

Other than that it really is that easy - add your common misspelling or typo to AutoCorrect with just a right-click.

Amanda's Coolsite

Lotsa Helping Hands

Welcome to a site that is devoted to helping you create Community. Whether you’re taking care of an ill loved one, or just trying to keep in touch with someone whose spouse is deployed, or maybe you just want a place where your whole family can stay in touch – this is the place for you to create your community for free.

On the main page you’ll see many examples for what the site can be used for – after you’ve decided what type of community you want to build, I’d recommend checking out the How it Works tab. After you’ve read through their handy information on you can begin creating your community right from that page just by clicking the orange Get Started button.

Now fill out the form with the name of your community, what type of organization it is, your name, a working e-mail address, and then click the Create button.

You’re ready to begin creating your community! Won’t it be nice to be able to get together from anywhere just by checking the community and staying in touch? I wish we had found something like this for staying on top of what was happening in my grandfather’s health.


Quick Tips

What is "Cache"?

Hello, I'm Johhny Cache! Sorry, I couldn't help it! I was wearing black today, plus this will remind you to say it the right way.

Cache files are used to store information on a temporary basis for quick access. The physical location of this can be either on a hard drive or in RAM memory.

The idea behind it is to store information the computer is probably going to need in a location that's quick and easy to access. Since it can get to needed information quicker, the computer runs faster.


MS Office

Just a Little Too Long

Have an MS Word document that is just a bit too long? A few lines stuck on that last page? Wish you could "shrink" the document a bit and lose that last page?

Well, I suppose you could try a different font size. Or, you know, adjusting it up and down just to find the exact change that will remove the need for the unwanted last page.

But, why would you waste the time when you could get Word to do that for you?

Interested in finding out how?

Yep, I thought you might be, so here's the scoop!

The Word feature we're looking for is " Shrink to Fit" and it's found in the Print Preview.

Readers using older versions of Word can either go to the File menu, Print Preview choice or use the Print Preview button located on the Standard toolbar.

Those of you using Word 2007 you'll find Print Preview in the Office Button in the list of options offered by the Print choice.

Once in the Print Preview, you're looking for the Shrink to Fit button.

In older versions of Word it looks like this:

People with Word 2007 will see this:

No matter the version, click it.

Instantly, Word shrinks your document's font size to reduce the number of pages by one.

(At times, I did get an error message telling me that Word couldn't make the change. With some effort, I found that if I saved the document as is and then tried again, it would complete the shrink).

There you have it. Word's version of the phrase "Shrink to Fit!"

~ April

Want A Guard Dog For Your Computer??

You've Never Seen A Webcam Like This Before!!

Automatically Turns On When It Detects Motion!!!

Even Has A Built In Microphone!!

And Just Wait Until You See The Motion Detection Software That's Included !!

You've all seen webcams before, but not like this! This amazing webcam does more!!! It will wake up your computer and start recording at the first sign of motion!

With this little guy, you can actually monitor your home or office while you're away !!!   Talk about awesome!! It so simple too use too...just install the software and the motion sensor will automatically detect any movement and capture video while you're away!!

Now you'll be able to find out how all of your post-its and pens have been disappearing! Confront that co-worker that's been raiding your desk!! And at home you'll be able to capture silly pictures of your cat walking on your keyboard... WAIT...that's who's been opening my email!!

This webcam does so much more too! You can:

  • Take Pictures & Video
  • Monitor Your Home OR Office
  • Use ANY Instant Messenging Program
  • Add Video To Your Webchat
  • Add Audio To Your Webchat

Want to talk to friends and relatives long distance without the cost??   Just open the instant messaging program that your friends use, plug in your webcam and follow the on-screen directions - IT'S THAT EASY!!

Don't worry about this webcam not being compatible with your instant messenger program either. This Labtec Webcam Pro allows you to use ALL instant messeging programs for webchatting (including MSN Messenger, AIM-AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Messenger, and more!).

The built-in video camera and microphone makes every chat session more exciting (for yourself and the other person) by turning it into a video chat with sound - no need for an external headset or microphone!

Plus, there are just so many things that are left to interpretation with regular chatting... having audio and video make it so much easier and fun! You won't have to worry about people making fun of you and your spelling skills... now they'll be able to see what your CRAZY morning bed-head actually looks like ...and hear your sweet-sounding voice that goes with it!!!

Your Labtec Webcam Pro also lets you take videos and pictures and share them easily . With just the click of your mouse you'll be able to turn pictures into emails and send them to your friends and family quickly!

The super-sleek design will look sharp on any desk!! I have it sitting in front of me right now!!

Be sure to get yours today for only $22.97, this may be your ONLY CHANCE!!  Shipping is absolutely FREE!! product.php?productid=5295

PS - Remember, limited quantity to the site to get yours today!

Tip of the Day

Desktop Toolbars

Have you ever had several windows open and needed to get to a shortcut on the desktop? I know I have. You have to minimize all three windows just to start the other program. But there is an easy way to fix this problem. Create a toolbar with your shortcuts in it!

Here's how. First, right click on the windows toolbar on the bottom of your screen. You will get a little menu. Go up to the toolbars option. Another menu will slide out. Left click on “ New Toolbar ”. This gives you a window where we can create your toolbar.


Next, left click once on the word “ desktop ”, so it is highlighted. Then click the button “ New Folder ”. Give the new folder the name you want for your toolbar. Let's say… My Shortcuts . Click OK .


The window will close and you will notice a new folder has been placed on the desktop with whatever name you gave it. Left click-and-drag this folder to the edge of your screen. When you release the mouse button, the folder will magically become a toolbar. Amazing!


You say “So what? All I have is an empty toolbar.” Well, now that we have created the toolbar, all we need to do is to put some shortcuts in it.

To do this, just drag the icons you want from your desktop into the toolbar. If you want some for the start menu, just find them in there and drag them over too.

All right, now you have full toolbar, but it won't go away. Here's what you do. Right click the name on the top of the toolbar. A menu will be displayed. To make the toolbar disappear when your mouse is not over it click on “ Auto-Hide ”, if it is not already checked. Open this menu again and click on “ Always on Top ”, again only if it is not already checked. This will allow the toolbar to be displayed over the windows you are using. With this menu you can also change the view, whether the title is displayed, and if you want text with the icons.


To enhance the use of this tip you may want to create more toolbars (one for each side of your monitor.) This is great for organization. At one time, I had toolbars for documents, games, and Microsoft Office. The only problem is that with multiple toolbars containing lots of icons the start-up time is slightly longer (on my slow computer anyway). In my opinion the wait is worth the ease it provides later.

~ Kyle Larson

Computers 101

When I drag and drop files, how do I know what is happening to them? Are they being moved, copied, or is Windows just creating a short cut?

One day while dragging and dropping I actually paid attention and realized that Windows does tell you what it's doing as you move the file. If you see a " + " sign in a little white box, the file is being copied. If you see an arrow, Windows is creating a shortcut . Finally, if you see nothing at all, the file is being moved.


OK, here's a new problem. What happens if you're trying to move say, a program file (a file ending in ".exe"), and Windows wants to do a shortcut instead of a move? Or maybe you want to make a copy of a file and Windows wants to move it?

Well, there's an easy solution for that as well. Just drag and drop with your RIGHT mouse button. When you release the button, you'll be given a little menu that allows you to pick Move, Copy, Create Shortcut, or Cancel.


In case you're wondering, I'm a right-click drag and dropper now.


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