Your weekly horoscope for January 12 - 19
By Adah Deveaux
Jan 11, 2015 - 11:55:39 PM

March 21 - April 19
You will find
your vital energy very weak this week particularly when pursuing traditional,
Aries; with your ruler Mars in Pisces. Your focus now could turn to more
spiritual things like your hopes and dreams, desires and secret projects.
Realism will be important in planning for these dreams as you are more inclined
towards pie in the sky idealism. This would be a good time to take up yoga or
meditation, and you may feel inclined to volunteer. Be wary of law enforcement
and water activities this week.
April 20 - May 20
You could find yourself attracted to someone
older than you or different from your normal preferences. Someone who has
prestige and a successful career could appeal to you. Your charm is evident to
those around you, and you could start a romance with someone you work with. Your
communication can be more exciting and unusual and you will revel in social
interaction. You are more likely to take risks now especially pertaining to
your career, however, be careful because hidden forces could shake things up in
a not so positive way for you.
May 21- June 20
Being in contact
with people different from you, especially foreigners and travel can bring
excitement. You are more unusual and inventive in your thinking and find it
easier to grasp difficult concepts, and should use this energy to further your
studies especially in philosophy and law. Fast paced events and things that can
help to relieve your nervous tension are good to pursue this week, along with
art and beauty. Perhaps you should go rock climbing in a beautiful country side
on a trip?
June 21 - July 22
You may
experience emotional imbalance this week, Cancer. What you want and need could
in conflict. You may have emotional outbursts and pent-up tension. Your mood and
plans could change in unexpected ways, so keep flexible. Be careful of messy
entanglements with your significant other or business partner, even if it means
you losing an argument. You are more prone to playing mind games and displays
of jealousy, prompting others to walk on egg shells around you. Don’t let this
energy cause a crisis in your life.
July 23 - August 22
You may
experience emotional setbacks and frustrations this week. These problems may
arise because of an internal conflict between what you want to do and need to
do. Your rationality is reduced now and you are more impulsive. Now is not the
time to make changes or you could feel stressed out and be unsuccessful in your
undertakings. On the work front is where this behavior could manifest most, but
this should blow over without too much backlash as you’ve been superb on the
job lately.
August 23 - September 22
conversations with coworkers could occupy much of your time. You will be
complimented more in particular for your work. It is well deserved because your
attention for detail is heightened along with your perfectionism. Your
inventive and original ideas are more accepted now also on the job and others
are more willing to comply with your requests. Your work environment will be
more harmonious at this time, and provide more opportunities for social
interaction with your coworkers boosting your team spirit.
September 23 - October 22
amounts of money could be spent this week in the name of fun and romance. Your
love life is rich now, albeit dramatic. You may attract partners who want to
spoil you and you in turn spoil them. Long conversations and loving talks can
be had now, and you will enjoy sharing your philosophical beliefs. Love
interests could be found among your friends and social groups or on a trip. You
are likely to gamble now also, but keep a watch on how much you spend.
October 23 - November 21
You will revolutionize the way you think and
communicate this week. What you thought to be truth prior could be dismantled
in your mind and found to be false. Pluto your ruler is transiting the
communication sector squaring radical Uranus in your work/health sector. You
will reevaluate and restructure your thoughts and free yourself from your
mental limitations. However, there are forces at work preventing this,
literally. Your work environment can be an impediment to the free speech you
crave, perhaps forcing you to shake things up a bit on the job.
November 22 - December 21
Romance could bloom this week, with your
ruler Jupiter opposing Venus and mars. With your love of travelling, short
trips or long journeys with your sweetie may be right up your alley. Apart from
trips, communications with your sweetie can be especially sweet, reestablishing
faith in not only your relationship, but your individual goals. Make sure to
budget accordingly for these trips as you don’t want to break the bank,
remember the month is only half over!
December 22 - January 19
You will want to get your financial and
social life in order this week, Capricorn. These two areas of your life have
been at odds lately. Have you been trying to save but your friends keep
inviting you to dinner or other costly social activities? Or have you seen an
increase in your social life accompany a decrease in your bank account balance?
Learn to curb excess and perhaps suggest free activities like going to the
beach for your next outing.
January 20 - February 18
You may conjure
up creative ways of earning money, Aquarius, as your ruler Uranus is still in
the money sector. You will want to be financially independent and do your own
thing. Unseen forces however could dwindle your income and impede on your
plans. Your desire to change your financial state is strong, but don’t try to
transform your finances overnight with over the top schemes or you run the risk
of losing it all. Slow and steady is best.
February 19 - March 20
Your confidence
and vitality could be low this week, along with feeling disappointed and
confused on what direction to use force. You find it hard this week to be
completely honest and forthright, and instead you may choose to mislead. Your
will and ability to overcome obstacles is weakened and you should avoid
directing energy into initiating ventures and instead focus on creative
endeavors. Now is a good time for solitude, reflection and service towards
Adah Deveaux is an apprentice of Tametryo
Brown and Star Dates. She has been been practicing astrology since she
was 12 years old and has since made it her career path.
Tametryo Brown has been studying Astrology for over 10 years. His
company Stardates Global is dedicated to helping people find their soul
mates through self discovery and the science of astrology. He runs a
Stardating company in Nassau, Bahamas. His knowledge of astrology and
human personalities go beyond his age. His scientific predictions have
touched the lives of many across his homeland and abroad. Tametyro is
also a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Medical Institution/
American Hypnosis Association (HMI/AHA) where he still continues to
further his studies in hypnosis. He has helped many clients realize
their life's purpose. He can be reached Phone:
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