Bahamian meteorologist publishes 10th book on hurricanes
By The Bahamas Weekly News Team
Mar 8, 2017 - 3:13:29 PM


Nassau, Bahamas - Wayne Neely is an international speaker, best-selling author, lecturer on hurricanes, educator, and meteorologist has just released his tenth book, “The Greatest and Deadliest Hurricanes of the Caribbean and the Americas - The Stories behind the Great Storms of the North Atlantic.”

“This book is by far my best so far," said Neely who said he was prompted to write the book because over the years he'd read many books on hurricanes and the majority were lacking in telling the impact the hurricanes had on not only one particular country, but the entire region. He felt he could do more to tell the stories behind these great hurricanes.

“In my latest book I discuss how Hurricanes Katrina, Andrew, Wilma and Mitch devastated the region in their own unique way. I discuss the historical impact and uniqueness of each individual storm and the significant impact they had on the region. An unexpected example is the Sea Venture Hurricane of 1609 which saved the newly formed Jamestown settlement and the starving colonists, because if it hadn’t been for this hurricane, many of these residents would have surely died or better yet-returned to England, deserting America.”

"Those who were grounded due to a hurricane en route to Virginia on the Sea Venture, became the first settlers of Bermuda, which might not have been discovered until years later perhaps by the French, Spaniards or Dutch and their history might have been somewhat different," says Neely. "Hence, every year Bermudians celebrate, 'Somner's Day' as a national holiday named after the ship's captain, George Somner. So they not only rescued the starving James Town residents but also played a significant role in Bermuda's history...all due to this hurricane."

JS Johnson Insurance Company has been and still remains a sponsor of all of Neely's books on hurricanes. "Over the years I formed a unique partnership with JS Johnson with the main purpose of simply educating the Bahamian population at large about the impact and dynamics of what these storms are capable of doing as far as damage to infrastructures such as homes or business establishments."

Joining JS Johnson in support of his current book are sponsors Bahamas First Insurance Company, Bobcat Bahamas, and Royal Star Assurance.

The book is available locally at Logos in the Harbour Bay Shopping Center.

Wayne Neely is a certified Meteorologist working at the Department of Meteorology in Nassau, Bahamas for the last 26 years-prior to that he majored in Geography and History at the College of The Bahamas in Nassau. He then attended the Caribbean Meteorological Institute in Barbados where he majored and specialized in weather forecasting. Wayne has written several articles on hurricanes and other severe weather events for some of the major local and international newspapers and magazines including the New York Times and National Geographic). He speaks quite regularly to schools, colleges, universities and frequently does radio and television stations interviews both locally and abroad about the history and impact of Bahamian, American and Caribbean hurricanes and hurricanes in general. He can be reached at

Wayne Neely and sponsors of his current book. TOP left to right: Royal Star Assurance representative Angel Burrows; and Ray Duncombe of Bobcat Bahamas; BOTTOM left to right: Stephanie Hanna of JS Johnson Insurance and Kevin Hudson of Bahamas First Insurance Company.

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