Bahamas Chamber of Commerce
The ART of Handling Complaints: Service Recovery
By Bahamas Chamber of Commerce
May 23, 2011 - 11:19:09 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - Can You Afford to LOSE 24% of Your Business?

Companies who fail to pay attention to resolving customer service issues immediately find that nearly a quarter of their business has been shoveled to the competition. Here is your opportunity to do something about this.

Cherrylee Pinder of CP Consultants a master trainer and counseling professional will take your employees through the most exciting and practical service recovery training program corporate Bahamas has ever seen. The training explores the root of service issues, perceptions of the customer and employee in problematic situations, researched effects of the ‘lost customer syndrome’, steps to service recovery and creating a culture of excellence that impedes future service recovery challenges.

Register today for The Art of Handling Complaints: Service Recovery. The Chamber Institute offers:

  • The best training value for your dollar (Register for less than $100 lunch, breaks and material included)
  • Qualified and experienced trainers and facilitators
  • Researched and measurement based learning
  • Invigorating and exciting training and instruction
This training will take place on Thursday, May 26, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Seating is limited so early registration is recommended. Please complete the registration form and return it with your payment to The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce by May 25, 2011.

*NB: To receive the group discount, 3 or more employees from the same business must register for the class and submit their registration forms with payment together as a group. The Chamber of Commerce MUST receive all registration forms and payments on or before May 25, 2011.

Please call The Chamber of Commerce at 322-2145 or email Latoya Swain at with any questions.

You Asked For It, Now It’s Here…Weekend Training!!!

For those companies who simply cannot send employees to training during the week, The Chamber introduces Customer Service, Teambuilding, Leadership and Organizational Development Courses all Spring and Summer.

Register today for: Utilizing Technology: Maximizing Technology, One Team: One Prize-Teambuilding program, Barriers of Service Excellence, Human Resource Strategies and many more.

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