Focus on Fashion
Fashion For A Cause returns with focus on street wear for spring / summer
By The Bahamas Weekly News Team
Mar 15, 2015 - 10:14:43 PM


Nassau, Bahamas - Fashion For A Cause will bring together designers, clothing stores, stylists, makeup and hairstylists, and all fashion forward brands for one 'CAUSE', for one night of Fashion.  Featuring a new venue - the Ibiza nightclub, Fashion For A Cause (FFC) will be held on March 29th with a cocktail hour starting at 3:30pm featuring entertainment by Canadian Idol runner up Gary Beals.

The street wear focused 2015 spring / summer show will give designers the opportunity to display a 12 - 15 piece collection and through the ongoing partnership with The Bahamas AIDS Foundation, signature pieces from previous Red Dress Soiree events will also hit the runway. This year's 130 ft runway at Ibiza will accommodate 50 models that will viewed by upwards of 300 guests anticipated to attend.

"Attendees can expect a mind blowing visual experience," said FFC founder Kendrick Kemp, a Bahamian model and entrepreneur. "We'll have a digitally printed runway, an oversized step and repeat area, and a carefully selected S/S15 'STREET WEAR COLLECTION'." 

And it doesn't stop there!  Kemp has also announced that this year will feature the launch of THE FASHION PROJECT MAGAZINE, explaining that it gives FASHION FOR A CAUSE (FFC) the opportunity to do three things:

  • Create a platform for any and all fashion forward companies/individuals to advertise their brand while show their support  for The Bahamas AIDS Foundation and the efforts of FFC
  • Raise funds for The Bahamas AIDS Foundation and their continuous effort to bring awareness to every Bahamian
  • Fund the production of the Fashion For A Cause event.

In the weeks leading up to the show Kemp and his team will be promoting the importance of safe sex, getting HIV/AIDS  tested as well as the invaluable work of The Bahamas AIDS Foundation. They will be working The Sports Center and Club One Fitness during the month of March hosting "The Know Your Status" Drive, allowing
people to come in while shopping or before a workout, to get tested and be informed. 

"We will be visiting youth organizations, schools and any youth driven out reach programs to speak about the change and movement we want to create," said Kemp.  "Our team will also work along with The Bahamas AIDS Foundations after-school program allowing us to speak with kids who are affected by HIV/AIDS.  FFC will be creating short video clips engaging the wider public as well as members of our team and affiliates to get their views about HIV/AIDS in regards to our youth."

Stepping up to support  Fashion For A Cause is The Sports Center, Mario's Bowling & Entertainment Palace, The Tribune, Play It Forward Mag, Barry Williams Photography, Sagini Inc and our official media partner Sponsors are still encouraged to become involved and can email

The aim of Fashion For A Cause is to make a change for the better by embodying the motto of LIVE. LOVE. CARE. The public is encouraged to support Fashion For A Cause. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased at Mario's Bowling Palace or Obsessions Boutique.  Tickets may also be delivered.

Keep up with Fashion For A Cause at their Facebook page.


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