Sip Sip History - Bahamas Historical Society
BHS talk, "In Search of San Salvador: A Cartographic Odyssey" - October 15th
By Jim Lawlor, President, Bahamas Historical Society
Oct 13, 2009 - 3:55:12 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - The Bahamas Historical Society presents Dr Ronald V. Shaklee who will speak on- "In Search of San Salvador: A Cartographic Odyssey" on Thursday, October 15th at 6pm at the museum.

“Christopher Columbus made his first landfall in the New World on October 12, 1492. Columbus affixed the name of San Salvador to the island that served as the site of his first landfall. Columbus left the island behind in search of the gold and riches of the Indies and never returned. The island of San Salvador, quite literally, fell off of the face of the earth following its role as the landfall of Columbus. The controversy over where Columbus first landed continues to this day. In an effort to determine if early maps of the region might have recorded the island of Columbus’ landfall I surveyed 16th, 17th, and 18th century maps available from various internet sites to determine how the island we currently identify as San Salvador was portrayed on these early maps.”

Parking in the ex Psilinakis car park north of the Museum on Elizabeth Avenue – entrance via First Caribbean Bank entrance on Shirley Street. 

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