Sip Sip History - Bahamas Historical Society
Personalities: Alfred Francis Adderley
By Ruth Bowe
Jan 29, 2010 - 9:20:24 AM


(Image from page 5 of Most Outstanding Bahamians of 20th Century by Jones Communications International Ltd)

Alfred Francis Adderley combined many fine qualities of character and brilliant intellect. He was a leader in his church and community, a statesman, and a gentleman. He was born on November 16, 1891 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parliament Adderley, and followed in his family's tradition.

Before Alfred's birth, the name of Adderley was well respected in legal and administrative circles. He was the third member of the family to be elected to the House of Assembly. His father, W. P. Adderley, C.B.E., J.P., served as a House member for 35 years. His great uncle, William Campbell Adderley was one of the first black men elected to that body.  Adderley's grandfather, Aladin, owned large estates in New Providence, but made his home on Delancy Street.

Adderley earned his education in the Bahamas and abroad. He attended Boys Central School and the Nassau Grammar School in New Providence. In the early 1900s he went to Denstone College, Staffordshire, England. By 1915 he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Law (Hons.), From 1915 to 1919 he studied at Middle Temple, England where he was called to the English Bar and soon after to the Bahamas Bar. He further enhanced his academic credentials in 1935 by obtaining a Master of Arts degree.

In his own calm and deliberate manner Mr. Adderley practiced in the courts for 34 years. As the most outstanding trial lawyer of his time he defended more criminal cases than his peers, and none of his clients went to the gallows. Famous among his court appearances was his role as prosecutor in the Sir Harry Oakes murder trial.

Among many noteworthy legal appointments, two stand out, First, in 1935 Adderley was selected as the legal advisor to the House of Assembly, in which capacity he served for three years. The second occurred in the early 1950s. The then Governor, Sir Robert Neville attempted, as Sir Etienne Dupuch has described, "to bridge a most difficult hurdle in the life of the community," by directly attacking the color line. Neville's association with and the encouragement of the black community created resentment. Thus not surprisingly in 1951 when Sir Robert appointed A. F. Adderley to the newly-vacant Chief Justiceship, his decision met with opposition from the ruling clique in the House of Assembly. Nevertheless, Adderley succeeded in becoming the first black Chief Justice of the Bahamas.

If you are interested in the full text of the article, you may order this issue of our Journal for B$5.00 plus shipping & handling by contacting the society.

All past Journals sell at $5 ($3 for students) The 2009 Jubilee Journal sells at $10 ($7 for students)

Full set of 31 Journals: $110

Our next talks are:

Thursday 25th February 2010 at 6pm Talk ‘Over-the-Hill’ Grants Town by Sir Orville Turnquest.

The Bahamas Historical Society (BHS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to stimulating interest in Bahamian History and to the collection and preservation of material relating thereto. Its Headquarters, the former IODE Hall, was a gift from the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire (IODE). BHS is on Shirley Street and Elizabeth Avenue in Nassau. www.bahamashistoricalsociety. com

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