Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas
Rotaract Club of Freeport Encourages Beach Adoption
By Andre J. E. Cartwright
Aug 22, 2012 - 1:03:48 PM


Freeport, GBI – On Saturday, August 11th, members of the Rotaract Club of Freeport conducted a clean-up at Silver Point Beach (immediately east of Island Seas Resort), where they picked up several bags of garbage over a few hours.


A few years ago, the Rotaract Club of Freeport decided to unofficially adopt this portion of Silver Point Beach, which is a popular location for locals to have parties, to be cleaned up a few times a year. The fact that numerous bags of garbage are picked up each trip is evidence that littering on one of this island’s greatest resources it still a major problem.


Although the club feels it is important that each person should be more conscious of their impact on the environment, which is so important to us and our economy, conducting regular cleanups, can at least remediate the issue until the culture of the people is one of more environmental consideration.


In this vein, the Rotaract Club of Freeport would like to encourage other organizations, whether private, public or NGO to ‘adopt’ a portion of beach that they would take care to ensure is cleaned up several times a year. 

Confucius said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Although the probably may seem bigger than anyone of us, each little bit we can do helps.

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