Bahamian Politics
DNA on resignation of Reece Chipman
By Omar B. Smith, National Chairman Democratic National Alliance
Oct 11, 2019 - 1:25:34 PM

  •     Resignation is no surprise
  •     Exit is culmination of poor FNM governance
  •     MP has taken a stand against oppressive system
  •     FNM plagued by corruption and conflicts of interest
  •     PM is leading a sinking ship

The recent resignation of Reece Chipman from the Free National Movement (FNM) came as no surprise to the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) and many Bahamians.

The Member of Parliament for Centreville who was responsible for unseating the former leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and former Prime Minister Perry Christie had been frustrated with a government that lacks integrity, ethics and transparency.

It is obvious that Mr. Chipman's resignation is a culmination of years of under poor and ineffective leadership under a Prime Minister that does not believe he ought to be accountable to the Bahamian people. After being unceremoniously removed as Chairman of the Antiquities, Monuments and Museum Corporation (AMMC) without any logical reason or explanation, the Centreville MP has stood up against the injustice and conflicts of interest within the FNM.

Bahamians recall his resignation from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the House of Assembly due to the suppression of this important committee by the Speaker under the FNM administration. He has witnessed first-hand what many Bahamians have been subjected to by a government that caters to special interest groups to the detriment of the masses.

All eyes are now on the remaining MPs within the FNM to see whether they have any ounce of conviction left to leave a government plagued by corruption, ineptitude and arrogance. We salute Mr. Chipman for his courage and choosing to take a stand against an oppressive and uncaring government. The PM is leading a sinking ship and the FNM's days in office are numbered.

Omar B. Smith

Chairman, Democratic National Alliance

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