C.A Smith Officially Appointed Ambassador to Washington
By Lindsay Thompson, BIS
Oct 29, 2007 - 5:59:15 PM

Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna presents Letters of Credence to the Hon. C.A Smith, appointing him as Representative of The Bahamas to the United States of America during a ceremony at Government House on Monday, October 29, 2007.
(BIS Photo: Kristaan Ingraham)
NASSAU, Bahamas – Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna presented Cornelius A. Smith with his Letters of Credence Monday, officially appointing him Ambassador to The Bahamas Embassy in Washington, D.C.
The official appointment took place during a ceremony at Government House. Mr. Smith leaves the country on Tuesday.
The Governor General offered his “heartiest congrats” to Mr. Smith, noting that he deserved such an appointment for his contribution to the country.
Supported by his family and close friends, Mr. Smith thanked The Bahamas government for such an honour.
“I am deeply honoured to accept the Letters of Credence appointing me as the representative of the government and people of The Bahamas to the United States of America,” said Mr. Smith, who replaces former Ambassador Joshua Sears.
He pledged to “faithfully” promote and pursue the interests of The Bahamas and of the Bahamian people.
Mr. Smith further vowed to maintain the long-standing tradition of friendly relations with all nations it has diplomatic arrangements with.
“Successive governments of The Bahamas have maintained a special, good neighbour policy with the United States of America and I pledge to not only maintain but to deepen and to strengthen this long-standing relationship,” Mr. Smith said.

A good showing turns out to support C.A Smith on his appointment as Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, during a ceremony at Government House on Monday, October 29. Mr. Smith accepted his Letters of Credence from Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna. Pictured front row are the Hon Larry Cartwright, Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, former Governor General Sir Orville Turnquest and Kwasi Thompson, Member of Parliament for Pineridge. (BIS Photo: Kristaan Ingraham)
Mr. Smith also thanked Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert A Ingraham and Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon. Brent Symonette for the confidence they have shown in him by this appointment.
“I give you my assurance that I will live up to the high expectations of the Bahamian people that this office demands,” Mr. Smith said.
Cornelius Alvin Smith, the son of the late Sylvanues and Susan Smith was born at North Long Island on April 7, 1937. He received his primary education at Glintons Public School, Long Island and his secondary education at the Bahamas Teachers Training College at Nassau. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami.
A community and political activist, Mr. Smith first entered front line politics in the early seventies and is a founding member of the Free National Movement. He was elected as an Opposition Member of Parliament for the Marco City constituency in 1982. In 1987, the constituency name was changed to Pineridge. Mr. Smith was re-elected to serve this constituency for a four consecutive five-year terms from 1982 to 2002.
Mr. Smith has provided leadership to a number of civic organisations such as Bahamas Jaycees, the Kiwanis Club of Lucaya, the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce and the Bahamas Association for Manpower Training and Development. He was awarded the Paul Harris Fellow award by Rotary International for his contribution to the civic life of The Bahamas.
From 1982 to 1992, he served as Opposition spokesperson on Education, Public Safety and Tourism matters. He also served as a member of the House Select Committee on Illicit Drug Trafficking Within and Through The Bahamas and on the Constituency Boundaries Commission.
In 1992 and 1997, the FNM was elected the governing party of The Bahamas and Mr. Smith was appointed to serve in the Cabinet as Minister of Education, Minister of Public Safety and Immigration, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Transport and Local Government.
He is married to the former Clara Elizabeth Knowles and the couple has three children.

Former Cabinet Minister C.A Smith is officially appointed the Bahamas Ambassador to Washington during a ceremony at Government House on Monday, October 29, 2007. Pictured from left are Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham; Mr. Smith; Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna and the Hon. Brent Symonette, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. (BIS Photo by Kristaan Ingraham)
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