Bahamas Information Services Updates
Digital Platform Foreshadowed for Farmers, Fishermen
By Betty Vedrine
Nov 4, 2021 - 9:25:08 PM

Nassau, The Bahamas – Relief is on the way for farmers and fishermen in the Family Islands who have traditionally had to travel to New Providence to apply for permits. This according to Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources & Family Island Affairs, the Hon. Clay Sweeting during his House of Assembly contribution on Wednesday, 27th October.

“The Governor General, in his speech from the Throne, spoke of the government’s commitment to digitizing.  My ministry has already advanced this effort as a priority. As a former fisherman, I understand all too well, the challenges that are experienced by farmers and fishermen in the Industry,” said Mr. Sweeting.

He said that the cost of doing business for these professionals becomes exorbitant and frustrating, causing some family islanders to take a day off from work to travel to Nassau to apply for a permit or an exemption, sometimes having to stay overnight or having to return again to complete the process.  This, he said, is just among the many challenges faced by persons engaged in these industries. Additionally, he explained that there is an extended wait period for some registration services that makes the entire process inefficient.

“These hindrances will be no more,” he said. “In just a few weeks from now, I expect that a digital platform for farmers and fishermen, will be rolled out to meet this need. We will revolutionize the farming and fishing industries!”


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