Bahamas Information Services Updates
GB police host historic graduation
By Robyn Adderley
Jun 19, 2020 - 4:45:35 PM

ADDRESSING THE GRADUATES – Minister of National Security, the Hon. Marvin Dames, is seen addressing the graduates of the 2020 Squad A and B of the Royal Bahamas Police Force on Thursday, June 18, 2020. (BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama – An historic graduation was held by the Royal Bahamas Police Force on Thursday, June 18, 2020 as squads from The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands were participants under the theme, “Standing in Unity to Create a Safe Community.”

Hosted at the Bishop Michael Eldon Auditorium due to inclement weather, those in attendance included Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. K. Peter Turnquest; Minister of National Security, the Hon. Marvin Dames; Minister of State for Grand Bahama, Senator the Hon. J. Kwasi Thompson; Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness, Management and Reconstruction, the Hon. Iram Lewis; Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle; Assistant Commissioner of Police/Grand Bahama and Northern Bahamas District Ashton Greenslade; other senior officers and government officials, families and friends of the graduates.

MINISTERS IN ATTENDANCE – Several Cabinet Ministers were in attendance at the 2020 Graduation Ceremony of the Royal Bahamas Police Force Squad A and B, June 18, 2020. Shown from right to left are: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. K. Peter Turnquest; Minister of National Security, the Hon. Marvin Dames; Minister of State for Grand Bahama, the Hon. J. Kwasi Thompson and Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness, Management and Reconstruction, the Hon. Iram Lewis. (BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)

Fifty-four graduates of the Royal Bahamas and Royal Turks and Caicos Police Forces made up the 2020 Squads A and B, of those being 35 Bahamians and the remainder from Turks and Caicos.

While giving the keynote address, Minister Dames described their chosen profession as “strenuous” and added that they have joined the Force during a time when so many challenging things have been, and are happening.

“You are enlisting at a critical juncture in the landscape of our country and indeed in the world.   You are joining at a time when this island and Abaco are still recovering from the ravages of Hurricane Dorian that hit us last year and left in its path countless deaths and estimated damage to the tune of $3.4 billion.   Police officers were the first on the front lines leading the recovery efforts with other law enforcement partners fulfilling their mandate to serve.

TURKS AND CAICOS RECRUITS – Nineteen recruits from Turks and Caicos Islands made history on Thursday as they participated in the 2020 Royal Bahamas Police Force Graduation Ceremony. The graduation took place at Bishop Michael Eldon Auditorium because of inclement weather. (BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)

“You are signing up at a time when the world is in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic that has caused widespread suffering and innumerable deaths; and has forced country closures.  As the government took the bold steps to stop the spread of Covid-19 by temporarily closing our borders and issuing mandatory curfews and lockdowns, and the United Kingdom issued stay-at-home orders and curfews in Turks and Caicos, your fellow brothers in blue responded to the call of duty on the front lines to prevent crime and lawlessness.  I commend them for their steadfastness and commitment to duty as I applaud our men and women in uniform in The Bahamas for an outstanding job to-date.”

The Minister also added that police brutality is at the forefront of the news globally and forcing agencies to examine their methods of policing.

DIRECTOR’S AWARD SQUAD A – RC 4286 Janae Douglas received this award from Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle during the graduation ceremony of the Royal Bahamas Police Force on Thursday at the Bishop Michael Eldon Auditorium. (BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)

He added, “Moreover graduating recruits, you are also enlisting at a time when the Government of The Bahamas has provided cutting-edge technology such as improved Closed Circuit Television Cameras and ShotSpotter Technology which are already providing great dividends as innovative crime fighting tools.  The test phase on Police Body and Dash Cameras is completed and soon officers will be equipped with body and dash cameras that will provide a greater level of accountability and transparency. 

“Graduating recruits, now more than ever, we need you to fully utilize your police training, to be outstanding and demonstrate integrity in the execution of your duties.  Our islands and our people deserve no less and are depending on you.  It is incumbent upon each of you to hold fast to your organization mottos, which both underscore integrity.   As you ascend the ranks of your respective organizations, remember to always strive for excellence and to always do your best, work hard and not to count the time, as your countries need each of you.   I see great potential in each of you and I believe that you will make our communities much better and safer for all of us to reside.”

This group was unique in that they were the first squad to graduate in 2020; the first A & B Squads for Grand Bahama; the first squad to have international recruits; the first squad to spend most of their time in quarantine; the first squad to graduate under the new Commissioner of Police as well as the new Officer in Charge of Grand Bahama; and the first squad to graduate in the auditorium of Bishop Michael Eldon School.

Top honors were: Director’s Award A Squad – RC 4286 Janae Douglas; the Baton of Honor Award – RC 4290 Walter Henderson Jr.; Director’s Award B Squad – RC 4310 Camille Turnquest; and the Baton of Honor Award – RC 4302 Joshua Rolle.

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