Minister Dames Highlights the Crime-Fighting Use of Technology
By Eric Rose
Jun 22, 2020 - 1:35:06 PM

Minister of National Security the Hon. Marvin Dames speaks in the House of Assembly, during his Contribution to the 2020/2021 Budget Debate, on June 17, 2020. (BIS Photo/Eric Rose)
Nassau, The Bahamas – During his Contribution to the 2020/2021 Budget Debate in the House of Assembly, on June 17, 2020, Minister of National Security the Hon. Marvin Dames noted that, globally, measuring law enforcement outcomes had become extremely important to the success of promulgation, planning and the execution of strategies.
“We are, again, experiencing measurable outcomes as reflected in our crime statistics,” Minister Dames said. “Attributed to the success are technologies which includes the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).”
“Our goal is to establish over 750 operational cameras and, of the additional 507 (cameras), 28 sites or 75 cameras have been installed in key and / or hot spot areas and, weather permitting, all should be installed by the end of July 2020,” he added. “This month, $985,283 will be invested to advance the programme.”
Minister Dames pointed out that, during the 2020/2021 fiscal period, the same amount would be duplicated by his Ministry. The former payment, he said, ensured that the necessary hardware expansion, server and cameras are available. The latter allows for maintenance and upgrades to the system, he added.
“For the first quarter of the year, there has been request for CCTV video footage for 12 criminal investigations; one accident and one police-involved shooting,” Minister Dames said.
Minister Dames told the House of Assembly that $1,337,432 was invested during the last fiscal period for ShotSpotter. The final payment of $602,316 will be made in the new fiscal period, he said.
“From its launch date on March 28th, 2019 to May 31st, 2020, the system is serving its intended purpose, which is to detect gunshots and allow faster response times from the Police,” he said. “There have been 920 gun-shot incidents, including 442 multiple, 324 single and 154 probable shots.”
“Robinson Road and East Street had the first and second highest repeated locations for gun shots, while Friday – Sundays was the most active days and 7:00 p.m. - 4:00 a.m. were the most active times for the same,” he added.
Minister Dames said that the Government has always kept relevant with critical issues involving policing. Bahamians, like citizens around the world, he added, expect Officers to perform their duties with the highest degree of professionalism.
“This is why our Government has invested in technologies that will strengthen police accountability and transparency,” Minister Dames said. “This is being complemented by the Neigbhourhood Watch Programme and the re-established Police Complaints Inspectorate.”
Minister Dames said that, in February of the current year, $688,561 was invested for 200 body-worn and 200 dash-cameras.
“The technologies are now on the island and, in order to meet our projected roll-out periods, training is continuing online due to COVID-19,” he said. “Meanwhile, the signaling units for the dashcams have been installed into the new patrol cars.”
He added that $232,357 will be invested during the current month, while the duplicate amount will be paid during the 2020/2021 fiscal year for maintenance.
“This cutting-edge police technology is expected to provide critical evidence for both internal and external investigations,” Minister Dames said. “It is anticipated that the projected roll-out period will be August, 2020.”
“I would wish to advise the public that we have been exploring less than lethal devices for use by our Police Force,” he added. “This will be a part of our first ever use of force continuum policy. We will keep the public informed of the implementation updates.”
Minister Dames noted that, simultaneously, all of the hardware for Marco’s Alert had been installed and both telecommunications providers integrated. The system, he said, was in its testing phase and would soon be available, nationally.
“Members of the public have begun to see infrastructural works on the digital billboards in four locations including the R. M. Bailey Park, Arawak Cay, Blue Hill Road South, and J.F. K. west,” he said. “The programme should be in operation by August, 2020.”
Minister Dames said that his Ministry would invest $350,000 in the new fiscal period for billboards in New Providence. The billboards, he said, would be used to broadcast important messages, whenever an alert on a missing child is issued.
“It is also important to note that the Marco’s Alert System will be used by NEMA to broadcast emergency messages,” Minister Dames added. “The capabilities of this system are far reaching and it is our intent to utilize the platform sometime during this fiscal period to introduce a pilot around the sexual offences registry which was laid in Parliament last year.”
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