Bahamas Information Services Updates
Minister of Grand Bahama urges residents to remain encouraged
Oct 24, 2020 - 6:39:42 AM

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama – The Minister for Grand Bahama in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator the Hon. J. Kwasi Thompson, issued a statement on Friday, October 23, urging residents to be encouraged as the number of COVID-19 cases increases.

“We are all grateful that our COVID-19 infections have been down for several weeks. I take this opportunity to commend residents for your collective efforts and self-discipline, which contributed to the decrease in new cases here on the island since the most recent surge.

“However, The Ministry of Health reported 19 new cases for Grand Bahama in its daily COVID-19 report for October, 22, 2020. This number indicates an increase which we should all be concerned about and that we must get ahead of.

“As we now resume many of our daily activities and move into a greater sense of normalcy, I encourage Grand Bahamians not to let your guards down. While we may all be battling COVID-19 fatigue we must keep this fight in the forefront of our minds. Remember that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and must continue to practice health protocols to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.”

He further stated, “Although we are close to completing the renovations to our hospital, health facilities are still very vulnerable. Our economy is still feeling the effects of previous lockdowns and no one wants any further restrictions.

“This means you should wear your masks when you leave home, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, sanitize frequently touched surfaces often and avoid large gatherings. Businesses must continue to enforce health protocols with employees and customers.

“In addition, I encourage the public to only rely on official sources for accurate news and updates. It is critical that we remain calm and avoid sharing false news as we navigate this new reality.

“Remain encouraged and let us continue to UNITE IN THE FIGHT against COVID-19.”

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