Bahamas Information Services Updates
National Arts Festival Visits Hope Town, Abaco
Apr 10, 2019 - 1:42:00 PM

Slide show: (BIS Photos / Eric Rose)

HOPE TOWN, Abaco, The Bahamas  - Singing took centre stage at Hope Town Primary School, when the E. Clement Bethel National Arts Festival Abaco adjudications visited, on April 8, 2019.  The students formed choirs to sing gospel and Bahamian songs, while teachers Donnella Beckford and Chelsey Braaksma sang a spectacular duet from the musical "Wicked".  Rounding out the performances was Kailey Sweeting singing "Maybe" from the musical "Annie". All performances garnered impressive scores and comments from Music Adjudicator Trent Elliott Davis. (BIS Photos / Eric Rose)

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