BTC partners with Ministry of Health COVID-19 Crisis Center
By Indira Collie, Bahamas Telecommunications Company
May 2, 2020 - 4:00:33 PM

Nassau, The Bahamas - BTC has partnered with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to assist with communication efforts as part of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The company donated ten mobile devices equipped with post-paid services. The mobile devices will be used by the COVID-19 Crisis Center and the COVID response team to carry out their duties.

BTC’s CEO, Garry Sinclair said, “The ability to communicate is critical and even more heightened during this time. We believe that when we collaborate, we all win and as a corporate citizen, we were happy to lend our support to the Ministry of Health to assist in the fight against COVID-19. We are also committed to doing all that we can to support those who are on the frontlines of this global pandemic.”

The company also provided a toll-free hotline to the MoH. Residents can call 511 if they need medical assistance or have COVID-19 specific questions. The calls are free of charge.

Minister of Health, Hon. Duane Sands said, “The COVID-19 response requires the use of every possible tool and mode of communication to reach our citizens wherever they are in real-time. We appreciate these gifts and are grateful to BTC for their continued support and generous donation.”

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