(Video) Bahamian youth asked to 'Wake Up' along with the youth of the world
By The Bahamas Weekly News Team
Feb 21, 2012 - 11:57:08 AM

Bahamas Wake Up Call official address by Bahamian youth ambassador, Ashleigh Rolle

What are we afraid of? says Ashleigh Rolle, youth ambassador for The Bahamas who had the opportunity to travel to Switzerland in 2011 to take part of a global initiative, the
Second Annual One Young World Summit .

To mark the international day of action (today), young people in more than 80 countries will hit the phones, the streets and also their keyboards to make their case. The campaign will include a significant worldwide social media campaign - #wakeupcall – urging those in power to tackle pressing issues in their home countries.

Listen as Ashleigh speaks to her fellow young Bahamians about taking initiative.


Her message says:

I would like to thank everyone for all of the efforts that have been put forth in regards to the Wake Up Call. The amount of time and energy means so much to not only me but to the Wake Up Call Bahamas team.

Today is the day. Today is the epic day in which we were supposed to change the landscape of Bahamian social media forever today is that glorious day where we were supposed to stir up a nation and awaken the minds of the government today is that day.

Yet it is with great regret that I come to you not upset but disappointed, Disappointed in the reactions of our young people towards this call, disappointed in the lackadaisical approach that was received with this call Disappointed not in Private entities and Government agencies, But disappointed in my young fellow Bahamians.

We constantly talk about what we think is wrong in the country, and we are continuously talking about what we think should happen to make it right.

But we have these discussions behind closed doors or in private cyber conversations that will never be glanced on by the public.

We have a tendency of staying quiet when the opportunities to voice our true opinions arise. What are we afraid of?

Is it the fear that for once in our lives we will be standing up for something other than little Wayne getting out of jail faster? Or is it the fear of being looked at strangely for being apart of such a substantial and historical movement?

What happens when we as young people sit back and do nothing? Do we just assume that the chips will fall where they may? Or do we lay the chips where we want them to be laid.

We only have strength in numbers and we only have an opportunity to create change when we stand not as scattered papers on an empty desk but as a united front. A group of young people willing to stand up not for Parties but for opportunities.

I looked at our Wake Up Calls for action and I thought hard about them and I analyzed them some more and I realized that all of them are great actions to pursue but what is the point when the majority of this generation-my generation couldn’t care less about them.

Today is that day for epic change and even though there are only a few of us that took this call seriously we stand in solidarity with the 80 plus countries around the world that have made this campaign apart of their lives, Today we do not challenge the Government or Private Corporations we challenge you The Youth of The Bahamas to stand up for the things that matter most,

This is Your Wake Up Call.

(Video) "Wake up Call" global campaign urges leaders to take action - Young people to make a stand for positive change

One Young World ambassador for The Bahamas returns from trip of a lifetime

Grand Bahama Teen to Participate in One Young World Summit in Switzerland

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