(Video) "Wake up Call" global campaign urges leaders to take action - Young people to make a stand for positive change
Feb 20, 2012 - 7:47:12 PM

Nassau, BAHAMAS – A global campaign - Wake Up Call – will launch on 21st February 2012 (21.2.12) with thousands of young people around the world calling on their political business leaders and also the Public to wake up and take action. Their demands are specific, straight-forward and achievable. They relate to jobs, a cleaner environment, political accountability, better healthcare, education and equality for all.  

To mark the international day of action, young people in more than 80 countries will hit the phones, the streets and also their keyboards to make their case. The campaign will include a significant worldwide social media campaign - #wakeupcall – urging those in power to tackle pressing issues in their home countries.   

The campaign launched at the international One Young World Summit in Zurich last September. At the event Sir Bob Geldof issued a challenge to more than 1200 young delegates: “I’m dying to see what you guys do.”  

Seven young ambassadors representing the seven continents took to the stage and responded: “World this is your Wake Up Call” before announcing a day of action on 21st February 2012. What followed were grassroots initiatives from young people around the globe – from Mexico to Algeria, from Nepal to Malaysia – making a difference in their communities.  


Local campaigns include:  

  • MEXICO - Young people in Mexico are calling on candidates running in the presidential election to devote one day of their political campaigns to the Mexican youth. During this day, 32 young leaders coming from every one of the Mexican states will ask 32 questions to each one of the candidates.
  • ALGERIA – The young people of Algeria are calling on their President, Mr Abedelaziz Bouteflika, to amend the constitution to limit presidential terms to five years, renewable only once, and to integrate young people in decision-making processes by the end of 2012.
  • BAHAMAS- The Young people of The Bahamas are calling on the government and private entities to create job opportunities for the youth and in particular recent graduates. 

Governments should implement incentives for businesses to hire recent graduates. 

 They call on their government to develop youth entrepreneurship. 

The Government should encourage the youth to stay in their countries rather than looking for opportunities elsewhere.

 Lastly, They call on the governments to develop LONG TERM plans that will seek to foster youth employment, involve and include them in political and social decisions to ensure that future generations of youth will not have to face the same problems as the youth of today.

Kate Robertson, One Young World co-founder, said:  

“We saw at One Young World in Zurich the amazing passion and influence of today’s youth. They are the leaders of tomorrow and they have many inspiring ideas on how to drive positive change. Global leaders need to listen to their demands and work to address the problems they raise so that this campaign can deliver real action for real change.”

Local contacts:

Ashleigh Sean Rolle

Nevar Smith

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