Geno Jones Jr. Honoured in Eight Mile Rock
By Derek Carroll
May 31, 2010 - 10:03:04 PM

Mrs. Verna Grant, MP for EMR, Ms. Eunice, Rev. Russell, 7years old Deaveaugn Taylor (2nd Grade student at Martin Town Primary) and Renetta Cox
Photo: Derek Carroll
Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama - Junior male athlete and gold medalist
Geno Jones Jr. was honoured this past weekend at Mount Zion in Eight Mile
Rock when they held a day named after him.

Sis. Nell Russell, Rev. Lindy Russell, Shonette Rolle, Geno Jones Jr. Geno Jones Sr. and Sen. Hon. Michael Pintard Photo: Derek Carroll
Geno secured a gold
medal in the 100 m dash earlier this year and is presently the fastest
junior male athlete in the Caribbean.

Mrs. Verna Grant, Rev. Russell, Sis. Nell Russell, Geno Jones Jr., Shonette Rolle, Geno Jones Sr., Sen. Hon. Michael Pintard, and Mr. Fred Delancy
Photo: Derek Carroll
On hand to present him with a plaque was
Sen. Hon.
Michael Pintard, Rev. Lindy Russell, and MP Verna Grant...
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