Grand Bahama Island Birders' Summer 2018 Activities
By Erika gates
Oct 3, 2018 - 7:01:42 AM

Erika with Marilyn Laing, Dwayne Marshall, Bradley Rutherford, Quinn Williams, Gemma Hudson, Brydan Forbes, Denise Neely, Kahlen Forbes, Calvinai Jolly at Williams Town Beach
Freeport, Grand Bahama - Members of GBIBs supported the "March for the Ocean" and thereby demonstrated that eliminating beach and marine debris is vital for the survival of marine life as well as shore and seabirds!
The event was organized by Coral vita, a company that is establishing itself on Grand Bahama Island. The principals of Coral vita, Sam Teicher and Gator Halpern are dedicated to reef restoration throughout the Bahamas and the Caribbean. Coral will be grown in tanks and then planted back into the ocean thereby re-creating healthy and vibrant reefs!
The March for the Ocean began at Charter house and ended at Williams town Beach. Erika gathered interested participants for bird viewing at the shoreline, to be followed by a bird walk along Taino Beach Trail/St. George's Park for Earth care's Eco kids who usually focus their attention on marine related activities. The youngsters were excited to have spotted 16 bird species and within their first hour of this new experience they committed to join the GBIBs so they could participate in future field trips.

Candice Woon, Justin Knowles, Erika, Alexander Zago, Tyler Riley, Hida Kempski, Laverne Atkinson at Taino Trail (photo credit: Gail Woon)
The GBIB's June field trip took place on June 23rd and 13 participants enjoyed great birding at West End where 30 species were recorded (for list of birds observed, check The group was excited to detect a nesting colony of 22 Least Terns with five nests (or scrapes as they are called) with 2 eggs each and one with 1 egg!
GBIBs Princess Bird Park restoration under Delores Kellman is on hold due to nesting of Yellow-crowned Night herons, Green Herons and White-crowned Pigeon on the property. Chainsaws and people activities would disturb the birds and we decided to continue in September when we will also have additional manpower committed by Grand Bahama Port Authority as well as the Sustainable Tourism Committee!
Meanwhile, the "Trusty Taino Trail Troupers" under Gena Granger's direction have continued to do their job at the trail and even received assistance from Local Government who sent its workers to trim bushes and weeds along the trail for Summer Junkanoo Festival. The trail was used by the Ministry of Tourism for interpretive bush tea walks, conducted by Chef Dawkins, each Thursday throughout July.
A new entrance sign was constructed showing many of the beautiful bird species that may be observed along Taino Trail. GBIBs are expressing a heartfelt thank you to the Bird Club of New Providence who sponsored the sign as well as to GBIB members, Nikki Meith and Peter Hulm who contributed to the new sign construction!

Least Tern parent brooding two chicks (photo taken at Lucaya Beach)

Not so happy pair of Yellow-crowned Night Herons hoping that these noisy persons would leave the Princess area soon so they can continue raising their family

GBIB'S on a "birdorable" day at West End (photo credit: Christopher Baker)

"Determined Delores" and "Tenacious Tony" trying to claw their way to the overgrown back pond before deferring to the wishes of the Herons in residence

Bridget Davis and Gena Granger keeping the trail clean and pristine

Gena and Joshua Davis making sure the birds have clean drinking water

John Ash, the carpenter, replacing the sign roof at the trail

isiting and local birders can enjoy a beautifully refurbished sign
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