Grand Bahama
Cancer Survivors of Grand Bahama encouraged to tell their stories
By Oswald Ellis, The Hope Ball Committee
Jun 27, 2014 - 2:04:59 AM


Freeport, Bahamas - "When you began your cancer treatment, you couldn't wait for the day you'd finish; but  now that you've completed your treatment, you aren't sure if you're ready for life after treatment as a cancer survivor. With your treatment completed, you'll likely see your Cancer Care Team less often. Though you, your friends and your family are all eager to return to a more normal life, it can be scary to leave the protective cocoon of doctors and nurses who supported you through treatment."

"Everything you're feeling right now is normal for cancer survivors. Recovering from cancer treatment isn't just about your body — it's also about healing your mind. So take time to acknowledge the fear, grief and loneliness you're feeling right now. Then take steps to understand why you feel these emotions and what you can do about them." by Mayo Clinic Staff

Cancer Survivors can be listed among the strongest people we know in our small community of Grand Bahama.  As most continue to live productive lives while they battle this illness.  It is this special group of women, men and children that the Lavender Affair hopes to have immortalized in art.  Because there are so many forms of cancer, equally there are so many types of survivors, all who face varying struggles but all with a united bond to fight and win the fight against cancer.

The Lavender Affair is scheduled to be held on Saturday, August 30, 2014 at Le Chateau on the Green.  The Lavender Affair’s Portrait Series is inviting Grand Bahama Cancer Survivors, friends or families of survivors to share their heroic stories, from discovery, acceptance, treatment and living.  The Hope Ball Committee feels that these stories need to be heard by all and encourage brave survivors and there are many to become a beacon of hope for those who have a fear of the unknown, who may be newly diagnosed and think that cancer means the end of their lives, when you, who have survived continues to “Live Life, Celebrating the life that you are living”.  Telling your story rings truth to the statement, “Where there is sickness and despair, there is HOPE”

While the amount of portraits will be limited this year, it by no means diminishes the importance of the stories being told and survivors not chosen will be given the opportunity through corporate Grand Bahama to attend the Hope Ball later in the year.

Stories can be submitted by email to     or via out facebook page Hope Ball Committee.  Stories should not exceed 100 words but it's understood if your desire to tell your story exceeds this mark.

The artists come from Nassau, Freeport and Abaco and their talents are to be appreciated and cherished as they seek to create a family keepsake that will last a lifetime.   The Artist and survivors will be revealed in the next few days, so follow us on facebook. 

If you don’t have a story to tell and would like to support the event, tickets go on sale soon and sponsorship is still be received from the corporate community to make this event a success.

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