Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
It Takes More Than Money!
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Oct 27, 2009 - 8:46:41 PM

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu

While it was refreshing to read about all the recent retirement summit and the various discussion that's now going about “employers doing more to make employees aware of savings and investments” and “you needing to save more in order to escape the poverty trap when you retire”- Money alone does not automatically guarantee a good retirement.

Yet most of what passes for retirement preparation is financial planning. Yes, your financial picture is certainly important, so much so, that the viability of your financial resources will undoubtedly determine the kind of retirement lifestyle you will have.

However, the challenges and questions that retirees will face are more complex and unfortunately, many of the most successful members of this generation will enter retirement without an adequate retirement plan in place. In fact, they may not even have considered the necessity of having such a plan before their retirement.

And why retirement continues to kill more people than hard work ever will!

Today, the real questions for those looking to retirement goes beyond the traditional concerns of retirement planning as financial planning and the questions -

  • Will my money last through my retirement?
  • Will I have enough to live on?
  • Will I be able to afford...?
Instead, with your expected increase in life expectancy, those questions are more reflective:
  • How will I spend my time?
  • What would I really like to do?
  • How will I maintain my physical, spiritual and mental well-being?
  • What will I do about my social well-being?
  • How will I react to not having a job?
  • What will I do to keep me a productive and important part of my community?
  • Where will I live?
Therefore, your retirement planning must bring focus and clarity to these pre-retirement questions because your Retirement will not only be a life changing transition but one of the most important periods in your adult life.

It’s that time of life that you are looking forward to after raising your children and hopefully achieving your career goals. It will also be one of the longest periods in your lives, where you can expect to spend as much as 30 years.  Therefore it deserves nothing less than your most careful and well-planned consideration.

When you plan, you have the power and ability to chart your own course. When you plan, you take full responsibility for achieving your goals and dreams. When you plan, you have the power and time to learn and implement new strategies for dealing with your changing needs and circumstances.

Planning your retirement and starting planning early will ensure that you are able to:
  1. Have a purposeful, fulfilling and happy retirement
  2. The ability to live out your life purpose across all seven areas of your life - Physical/Health, Family, Financial, Spiritual, Social, Intellectual and Work
  3. Create and align your retirement to your life purpose and to a compelling vision
  4. Replace the five benefits that work provided
  5. Look beyond cultural conditioning and learn a new meaning of success that is more than power, prestige, position, pleasure and property.
So, a complete retirement plan consist in equal measure of a retirement lifestyle plan -- the what, when, where, and how of living in your retirement years and a financial plan that outlines how you will support and sustain the choices you have made.

Finally, it is critical to plan beyond money because no matter what you may think or believe your retirement will be different from that of any other generation before you. And why I recommend the free report Don’t Wait Until You’re Retiring To Start Planning Your Retirement.”  

"You give up your power when you give up responsibility. The more responsibility you take over your life, the richer your life becomes." - Glenn

Got a question about your financial or retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN  

Copyright ©  2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Glenn Ferguson is a financial & retirement Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your money to create wealth for you and your family. Email to: glenn@ Website: www.
Tel: 242-327-2453   Fax: 242-327-2456

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