Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
October a Good Time to Look at Your Money and Health
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Oct 6, 2009 - 9:22:48 PM

"The only real security that a person will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability." - Henry Ford, carmaker

Wow would you believe it’s  October already? And before you realize it Christmas will be here and 2009 would have passed you by. That’s why it’s so important to take some time to reflect on what’s happening in your lives and around you because your daily activities sometimes distract us from what is really happening.

I think October gives us an opportunity with less than 100 days left in the year to see what you have accomplished, reminisced on the past,  seriously consider your physical health, and diligently refocus your dreams for the future. Ironically, October has been declared not only youth’s month but also older persons month.  

Older persons can now look back over their lives and see the journey that they have made to where they are and younger persons can look forward to where the journey that they are on will take them.

And no matter your age there are two things that would inevitably affect the quality of the lifestyle that you’re able to enjoy- Money and Health! Two issues that you cannot afford to ignore.

While youth  gives you the strength of the energy and enthusiasm to be able to focus all of your skills and energy on earning money. It is not until you’re much older that you really appreciate the value of that money that you would have earned. And why it is so important now for you to begin to teach your children the value of money.

Never forgetting that money is only a tool that allows you to do what you want to do when you want to do it but this can only happen if you focus on creating wealth. Wealth is simply your ability to go without a pay cheque.  So the question  you should be asking yourself is “how long can I go without a pay cheque? and this will tell you whether in fact you’re using your money to create wealth.

Unfortunately, you do not recognize the importance of creating wealth until you would have exhausted your most valuable resource -  Your Time.

And there’s no time like now for you to recommit yourself to wealth creation  as you recognize that jobs are really not guaranteed. You should never forget that your job is only a tool for you to use your skills to earn as much money as you possibly can for the time that you will work.

October is also breast cancer awareness month. Bringing you to that second issue that so important to you having a quality life - Your Health.  And breast cancer is the leading cause of both cancer illness and cancer related death amongst Bahamian women. With more than 120 news cases of breast cancer diagnosed annually and more than 1,530 women affected by the disease.

Breast cancer has been described as the most "lethal form of cancer in the world" and it is expected that by 2020 - 70% of all cases will be in developing countries. And in the Bahamas a unique genetic abnormality has predisposed Bahamian women to this disease at an early age with 34 percent of those diagnosed age 44 or younger- almost three time the rate of that in North America.

Unfortunately, almost 45% of those diagnoses were discovered in the late stages of the disease compared to around 12% in North America.

Early detection and screening can help reduce the incident of this disease so go out this month and get yourself tested and ensure that you spread the word to a many persons as possible. And if you're unable to get yourself professionally screen at lease begins doing your own personal breast examination. Knowing your body is the key to defending yourself against the ravages of breast cancer. And be sure to make a donation to the Bahamas Cancer Society!

Given the recognition of youth, older person and cancer awareness - October is a good time to look at your money and health.

Got a question about your retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN

Copyright © 2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Glenn Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your Money to Create wealth for you and your family.  Email to:   Website:   Tel: 242-327-2453  Fax: 242-327-2456

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