Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
Retirement Planning - Two Retirement Risks You Must Consider & Understand About Your Retirement.
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Sep 29, 2009 - 8:25:49 AM

There are two risk factors that will impact significantly on your retirement readiness and the quality of your retirement and it is important that you fully consider and understand before you retire.

The first of these risk factor is the risk that you or your spouse will outlive your retirement assets. So you need to ensure that you have enough money for the time that you will have in retirement.

And this risk is compounded by  "Financial Market Risk."   This the risk that unexpected and sustained market declines will undermine your investment portfolio's ability to produce the income required to meet your needs.

Which means that you must improve your financial literacy to ensure that you understand exactly
how your money is being invested and affected by the various changes in the markets.

The second is what I refer to as the “The Lifestyle Effect!”  it may surprise you that your genes have only a 30 percent impact on how long you live.  The other 70% is directly related to your lifestyle choices.

Therefore, the only way to reduce the health risk of aging is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. and the best assurance of low health care costs and a high life satisfaction in retirement years is to prevent diseases and accidents in the first place.

It may surprise you to learn that 60% of the deaths in persons sixty and older in the Bahamas is
caused by heart disease and cancer.  If you these two diseases could be diagnosed and treated early, many more Bahamians could enjoy more fully their senior years.

And many more have their live complicated by chronic lifestyle diseases like Arthritis, High blood pressure and Diabetes.  The best approach to avoid these illnesses is to engage in and make healthy lifestyle while you’re still able-bodied.  And while there are many possible ways to prevent or postpone frailty. Here are five important things you can do.

  1. The cornerstone of any prevention program is eating a balanced nutritious diet in the proper amounts.  Maintaining moderate weight can ward off disease and help you feel great!
  2. Exercise regularly for good mental and physical health. It will improves your stamina, circulation, digestion, heart, breathing and relieves tension & stress. The Best Approach is a variety of activities that you can do a minimum of 20 minutes 3- 4 days a week.  Start now and carry into your later years. Walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming and dancing. Be sure to consult your doctor before beginning.
  3. Get a complete physical exam at least every 3 years. And if “at-risk” you should get checked more frequently. Check your blood pressure, cholesterol, for Diabetes, Glaucoma, Osteoporosis and Cancer.  And  avoid Drugs, Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine. Not only dangerous but also addictive which makes it hard to stop using.
  4. Get a complete oral examination.  Dental health today stresses prevention of gum diseases and using corrective procedures in early life to prevent tooth decay and the loss of teeth. And it may surprise you to learn that most of the virus that enter your body does so through your mouth.
  5. The Government is debating National Health Insurance to provide universal coverage but many people fear that the costs will be too high. I encouraged you to study this issue and then to decide which choice to make if or when a it is discussed.
Once you understand and consider these two risks you will greatly improve the enjoyment of your golden years! And if you need help “Strategies for Achieving A Comfortable Retirement -Yours”  Coaching program is an excellent resource to consider.

Got a question about your retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN

Copyright © 2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Glenn Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your Money to Create wealth for you and your family.  Email to: glenn@   Website: www.   Tel: 242-327-2453  Fax: 242-327-2456

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