Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
Take Control of Your Money!
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Aug 18, 2009 - 12:40:38 PM

"You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers." - Les Brown

You don’t have to live pay cheque to pay cheque!  You can get rid of your financial stress by simply taking control of your money with financial planning! You’ll breathe easier and sleep better once you are financially prepared for the possibilities of a job loss, disability, illness, hospitalization or death and your own retirement.

What would it be like for you to be Debt-Free? To be able to go to the post at the end of the month and not be afraid of the bills that are waiting for you! Not having to worry about where you will find money to pay your electrical bill or your child’s school fees.

This could be your reality if you’d just decide today to take control of your money with financial planning. Most people feel that financial freedom is something mystical and that it is alright to be stressed out by your finances but don’t you think it would be so much better if you didn’t have to worry about money?

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to keep more of your hard earned money for you and not feel that being without money is normal?  It certainly cannot be normal to be without money if it's the one thing most people are concerned about.

So why don’t you decide that you’re not going to take it anymore, you are not going to be a part of the crowd who don’t have money but instead you’re going to be one of the persons’ who don’t have to worry about money. Why don’t you decide that today will be the last broke day you have! And begin financial planning

Think of the benefits of having money. The excitement of having money that you could spend on whatever you choose. The freedom you would have to do as you pleased. You’d be able to do more for yourself, your family and those around you!

Think of how your health would improve if you didn’t have to worry about money. Think of how your reputation would improve. You won’t have to hide from your creditors because of bounced cheques or not having enough money.

Think about how you would feel being able to pay off your mortgage early and owning your home outright while still young enough to enjoy it!

Think of how much leisure time you would be able to enjoy with your family and friends once you’re able to work less hours. Think of the trips you will now be able to afford, as your money is finally yours to enjoy!

Think about how the quality of your life will improve. Think about it and then decide that you don’t want to live life the way you are and take action today.  That’s all it takes, a decision to change and then taking the appropriate financial planning action!

Here are a few things that will help

  1. Get your family involved.  Everyone should share your common goal of achieving financial independence.
  2. Develop a workable spending plan and set aside a specific time each week to manage it.  So you know each Tuesday is time to review your finances
  3. Set up strict spending limits and involve your spouse and other family member in the process.  Any items which exceed this amount must be discussed before the purchase is made.
  4. Use cash instead of writing checks or using credit or debit cards for your household expenses such as groceries.
  5. Only take the cash you need with you each day.
  6. Set goals with specific milestones so that you can monitor your financial planning progress.  It is rewarding to know that you have paid off a credit card that you thought would become a permanent part of your family or finally having $2000 in a savings account when you have not been able to save before.  This will also help you stay on track.
  7. Keep your goals in mind everyday as it make it much easier to watch your spending when you know what you want to do with your money.
  8. Get the “Taking Control Of Your Money” workbook and "Email Course."

Remember money is just a tool you use to accomplish the things in your life that you need and want.  And achieving your money goals is much easier to do when you are in control of your money instead of your money being in control of you. And financial planning puts you in control!

"When freedom prevails, the ingenuity and inventiveness of   people creates incredible wealth. This is the source of the natural improvement of the human condition." - Brian S. Wesbury

Glenn S. Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to "painlessly" take control  of your money, to create wealth for you and your family.  Email to glenn@   Website:   Tel: 242-327-2453  Fax: 242-327-2456

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