Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson
Your September is on the way
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Sep 22, 2009 - 9:49:23 AM

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward." -Vernon Sanders Law

It’s back to school again - And you guessed it - There is drama!

It all started slowly with a little chatter about Anatol Rodgers, then Uriah Mcphee's air condition and now it seem that everyday another school is joining the action as discontentment spreads through the public school system. As to the preparedness of the government’s schools for another school year.

This situation is not unique to this Minister or administration but is a regular occurrence at this time of year. And while you may find this situation alarming and I am sure that your creative juices have already started on what you would do if you were the Minister of Education. I can hear your response now- That would never happen if I was in charge!

Surprisingly, you handle your affairs just like this! You go about your daily lives, living, as though things will continue as they are:

  1. You will continue to be able to work.

  2. You will always be healthy and

  3. You will live forever.

Believing that your September will never come. Then one day you awake and to your surprise!

  1. It's time for your child to go to college.

  2. You are sick.

  3. Your job is no longer there.

  4. Your spouse dies and

  5. You are forced to retire.

You are surprised because you had not prepared yourself to handle these eventualities. What have you done to ensure that you are not surprised by life circumstances?

Let me assure you that in your lifetime:

  1. Your child will be ready to go to college,

  2. There will be sickness,

  3. There will be death,
    There will be job lose and

  4. Yes if you live long enough you will retire!

In all of these situations, while we will need the support and understanding of family and friends, we will also need money.

While I encourage you to start saving right away if you are not already doing so, I also warn that this is not enough. You must start thinking about and planning for the life you want. With a plan, you will not only know what you want but have a really good idea of how you will get it.

Your plan will allow you to put your goals in writing and there is no telling what you can do once inspired.

Your plan should provide for all the stages of your life including protection against unforeseen losses. So go ahead and answer these questions today:

  1. Do I have money set aside for my rainy days?

  2. Do I have a plan for increasing my earning power?

  3. Do I have a plan for creating wealth for me and my family?

  4. Do I adequate Life, Medical, homeowners and disability insurance coverage to protect my family?

  5. Do I have a plan in place for the education of my children?

  6. Do I have a plan for owning my own home?

  7. Am I planning for my retirement?

Whatever your answers, they will form the starting point for you. Take action now and begin today to make the necessary changes. Remembering that your September is on the way! The real question is will you be prepared or surprised when it shows up?

"You find in every moment a new beginning. It's never too late for a fresh start and while you may not be able to change everything, you can't change anything unless you're willing to look at it." –Glenn

Copyright ©  2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Got a question about financial or retirement issues you're facing - any question at all. Just Ask Glenn!  
Glenn Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your Money to Create wealth for you and your family.  Email to:   Website:   Tel: 242-327-2453  Fax: 242-327-2456

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