Ministry of Tourism Updates
TV series searches for lost loves to rekindle old flames
By Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
Jul 4, 2014 - 8:12:36 AM

A new television series hopes to rekindle old flames around the world, including in The Bahamas.

“The series will follow people as they seek to get back in touch with former flames and crushes to seize a second chance at love,” said Jen Cipperly, who is casting for the project. “We’re looking for guys and gals who still think about a certain someone but have lost touch and would like to track them down and reconnect.”

Bahamas film commissioner Craig Woods said the development company has invited Bahamians who want to re-connect with lost loves to enlist the help of their team.“If there is someone in the United States that Bahamians wish to be reunited with, the show presents that opportunity,” Mr. Woods said.

“Anyone interested in being cast on the show should email them at”

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