Bahamas Social Media Summit
Final countdown to Bahamas Social Media Summit this Tuesday April 5th
By Mackey Media Ltd
Apr 1, 2016 - 6:29:01 PM

Freeport Grand Bahama Island - The final countdown to Bahamas Social Media Summit is on as the much touted businesspersons event will take place this Tuesday April 5th, 2016 at the Royal Palm room at the Grand Lucayan Resort. Bahamas Social Media Summit co-chair David Mackey announced at a press conference on Friday April 1, 2016 at Mackey Media Studios at Grand Lucayan, a $6000 investment in Public School students on Grand Bahama Island through the Ministry of Education and College of The Bahamas. Mr. Mackey explained that he and Mitch Carson, co-chair of Bahamas Social Media Summit decided to invest in the future by paying the admission of 15 high school students and 15 College of The Bahamas students rather than simply donating to a cause. Likening it to the old Chinese proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Mr. Mackey went on to say, 'We believe that our gesture will generate high ROI (return on investment) by empowering persons to harness the economic power of Social Media to set them on a path towards immediate business development and growth."

District Education Officer, Western Grand Bahama & Bimini District Marvin J. Rolle,  on behalf of The Ministry of Education says of the gesture, 'We are so pleased that Bahamas Social Media Summit is coming to Grand Bahama. At a time when so many are talking about the social ills in our society, we at the Ministry of Education are thankful that the organizers are partnering with us to help educate our students and prepare them for the world of business and technology. Their generous donation to our students is greatly appreciated."

Bahamas Social Media Summit Overview

David Mackey Pres. of Mackey Media Ltd and International Seminar promoter Mitch Carson have teamed up to host Bahamas Social Media Summit scheduled to take place April 5th, 2016 at Grand Lucayan. This will be the first event of an ongoing educational/ motivational series based on the theme, Maximizing Profits through Social Media.

Here’s why persons should attend this conference:

#1: To discover the best and newest ways to deploy and track social tactics: Take in practical, action-oriented speaker sessions from the world’s social media experts—all in beautiful Grand Bahama.

#2: To Reduce trial and error time: Why experiment with your social media marketing when you can fast track your time to success? The experts at this event will empower you to focus on what really works (and prove it to others).

#3: To network with marketers just like you: Imagine connecting face-to-face with thousands of people just like you—as you share stories, gather ideas and build relationships that last for years. We make it easy by building in time for networking and meeting the experts.

#4: To meet the world’s top social experts: Want to meet the social pros you’ve looked up to for years? Bahamas Social Media Summit is the Caribbean’s largest gathering of social media experts. We encourage all of our speakers to make themselves accessible to you.

What makes Bahamas Social Media Summit different?
  • Beyond meeting friendly social media pros who are at the top of their game, here’s what makes Bahamas Social Media Summit unique:
  • Highly valuable content—our trademark at Bahamas Social Media Summit..
  • Extensive networking opportunities—you’ll make priceless professional connections because we built this event to include networking after keynotes and lunch.
  • Full access to the recordings of EVERY session—if you miss a session, no worries! You can watch playbacks from your computer, tablet or smartphone at your leisure. In addition, we’ll provide audio MP3 files so you can listen to the sessions while you are on the go!
  • First-class conference experience—from the moment you arrive on Tuesday, you’ll be provided for at every turn. You’ll never be left wondering what to do or where to go.

Presenters (updated list)

  • Ron Douglas (Keynote Speaker) New York Times Best Selling Author and Top Marketing Strategist, will share 4 little-known marketing funnels that are proven to work profitably with social media advertising.
  • John Cornetta, who has been named one of the top 12 Internet marketers in the world, will unlock the secret to generating profits through Facebook.
  • Jocelyn Jones of will present on creative ways to earn money through Instagram.
  • Angelika Christie will motivate you to have the right disposition for success.
  • Bonnie Bruderer The Host | The ASKBONBON Show will cover how to take one media appearance and re-purpose it on multiple forms of traditional, online, social media and press outlets, to get in front of millions and millions of viewers.
  • Webinar Expert Rich Willens will teach you the in's and out's of Webinars for profit.
  • Mitch Carson aka 'Instant Celebrity Maker' and David Mackey Creative Director & President of Mackey Media Ltd will present on the technical aspects of video production for the web.
Bahamas Social Media Summit 2016 is scheduled to take place April 5th, 2016 at Grand Lucayan Resort in Freeport, Grand Bahama.  Tickets for this inspiring one-day event are $199 and are available at Mackey Media Ltd on Retail Street at Grand Lucayan (just behind Paradise Jewels). Email or for more info.  Local residents can arrange to have their tickets delivered to them, call 352-2988.  Special hotel packages are available for both local and international attendees.  More information is available on and

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