The Ambassador Agency & The Whole Woman to Help Haitian Women
By Arthia Nixon
Jan 13, 2010 - 3:45:02 PM

Help for Haitian Women: Publicist/writer and CEO of the Ambassador Agency (left) and talk show host/CEO of the Whole Woman Regina Whylly (right) are working to provide aid to Haitian women in the wake of recent earthquake. Vestarair’s Earnsy Johnny Charles (centre) will be providing flight services to send the items to Haiti with three flights per week. (Photo by Johny Alexis)
The Bahamas - In the wake of the January 12th earthquake
which destroyed Port-au-Prince, two local entrepreneurs are focused
on providing Haitian women with basic necessities as they try to rebuild
their lives.
show host and CEO of The Whole Woman Regina Whylly and publicist/writer
Arthia Nixon of The Ambassador Agency announced on Wednesday that they
are working with Earnsy Johnny Charles of Vestarair to send women’s
items to Haiti. According to Mr. Charles, the airline will be making
trips to Haiti on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and taking along the
collected items.
is sad the devastation that has taken place in Haiti and anyone that
has loved ones can sympathize with the people in their time of distress,”
said Mrs. Whylly. “We at the Whole Woman will do our part to make
a difference in acting as a depot for persons wishing to donate the
listed items.”
many other persons are going to be donating canned goods but as women,
we know that there are some personal items that we need,” said Ms.
Nixon. “So with that in mind, and Mrs. Whylly’s commitment to bettering
the lives of women through her show and company
The Whole Woman,
we are calling on persons to assist us with donations. We are looking
to provide items like sanitary pads, hand sanitizer, bras, panties,
clothes of all sizes, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, lotion, slippers
and shoes, feminine wipes, tote bags, trash bags and other products.
We’ll even welcome pampers, wet wipes and other baby supplies. All
in all, we want to make the rebuilding process start as soon as possible.”
to Mr. Charles who is Haitian-born, he has not had contact with any
of his family members including his son who is a university student
in Port-au-Prince. Mr. Charles will be flying to the island to check
on the Vestarair branch in Haiti and carry the much needed items.
of our agents contacted us on a satellite phone to give us an idea of
what’s going on,” said Mr. Charles. “We understand that the Pont-nuef
bridge in Cape-Haitian collapsed and that is the one near the airport.
That means we’ll have to get an alternate route to getting the items
to people who need them. But we are very appreciative of any relief
efforts we receive and look forward.”
interested in donating can contact Mr. Charles at 455-9619, Vestarair
at 325-5762, The Whole Woman at 325-0809, e-mail or contact Arthia Nixon via Facebook.
can be dropped off between 9am and 5pm at Vestarair on Mount Royal Avenue,
Monday thru Saturday or the Whole Woman Studios on East Street between
9am to 5pm Monday thru Friday.
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