Opinions - Joye Ritchie Greene
A hodgepodge of ideas
Dec 17, 2006 - 6:35:44 PM

Ideas for this column come from everyday ordinary occurrences in my life or life around me.   In the new year, the column will continue to focus on some of the themes that dominated each week. However, I recently got a request that perhaps this column should focus on some issues dealing specifically with men.

            While I am very happy that this column has a large male following, I am not sure that I am the best person to write about things specific to men.   However, I think if this column continues to focus on self and elements of our being that transcend gender, there would be enough food for our male readers to digest and incorporate into their lives.  

Having said that; I thank all of you for your feedback over the years.   I have had many people come up to me and tell me that not only do they enjoy reading this column each week, but they gain much personal growth and inspiration.  

Never in my wildest dreams did I think the contents of this column would have the effect on the readers that it does.   It is this kind of positive feedback that continues to motivate me to write and share with you.

To be totally honest, there are times each week when I am not sure what I will write, what shape a piece of writing will take or how it will end.   But somehow the words flow and position themselves in such a way that they strike a cord with at least one person each week.

And so it is with us if we open ourselves and allow our true selves to evolve and develop as was intended.   Each day we wake up we are faced with decisions.   The difficulty that faces us is not so much what decision to make, but whether or not we are willing to accept the consequences of the decision.

Recently a man told me that he was ready to get married.   However, he doesn’t have a particular woman in mind at this time, nor does he have any clear cut criteria to follow in selecting this life mate.   At the end of our discussion, it was revealed that while he wants to get married, he has not prepared himself for marriage.

This is not a situation peculiar to this individual.   Many times people want to do things but have not taken the necessary steps to prepare themselves for the event or life change.   As the new year approaches you have a unique opportunity to examine whether or not you are in fact prepared for the new challenges or events that will arise in your life.   While you may want to do something or accomplish something, it will not happen just because you will it to happen.

It is imperative that you begin now to prepare yourself with the necessary skills, mindset, knowledge and attitude.   The news media is reporting that great things in the way of jobs and economic boosts are going to happen in the very near future.   However the powers that be question whether or not Bahamians will be ready.

Don’t allow yourself to be “left in the dust.”   Open your mind to the endless possibilities and be ready to conquer every new challenge that comes your way in the new year.   However, do not allow yourself to be fooled by false promises.   Make realistic goals and set deadlines to help you accomplish them.   A new year is approaching for you to make new plans and start fresh in your journey to self-discovery.   Have a blessed Christmas and a joyous new year.

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