Opinions - Joye Ritchie Greene
Pass interference
By Joye Ritchie-Greene
Nov 27, 2006 - 6:24:00 PM

Pass Interference  

In American football there is a call that officials often make on the field; it is called “pass interference.”   This call is made when there is interference with a forward pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage.   The penalty for defensive pass interference is an automatic first down at the spot of the foul.   The penalty for offensive pass interference is ten yards from the previous spot (

There are seven officials strategically positioned on the field during a game to ensure that the rules of the game are enforced during the 60 minutes of playing time. Each official is responsible for very specific things during the game.   While players and coaches get angry, frustrated, and generally pissed off throughout the course of the game, the officials must hold their own and deal with matters that arise with a cool head and calm hand.

            Many of us are very guilty of pass interference on the job, at home and even socially.   Some of us tend to interfere where it is not necessary and at times, such interference leads to “unnecessary roughness.”  

I think one of the worse examples of such gross interference is when parents interfere in a situation in which their child is taking part in some sort of competition.   While parents are proud of their children’s successes they must not allow their fears, tensions, or even ineptness to interfere with the progress of their children.  

Over the years, I have been to many different kinds of competitions involving children, and in almost every instance there was at least one parent who interfered with the proceedings in some shape or form.   What usually ended up happening is that the child would be embarrassed or worse, disqualified from the competition.

            A parent with such a competitive streak often loses sight of the fact that it is the child and not him who is in the arena showcasing his/her talent.   It is the child who has to concentrate and deliver the best performance he/she can.   And to have a parent berate the officials only serves to unnerve the child and dampen any chance he/she had to win the competition.

            While many find American football to be very rough and physical, there are clear rules and guidelines that govern the game.   Perhaps some competitions need special officials just to deal with some parents.   Many times such high strung parents do much more harm than good, and eventually turn their children off from competition.

            Of course parents should not and must not allow their children to be a part of a competition that does nothing to uplift the child’s spirit.   Because while there can only be one person claiming first place, the camaraderie and sportsmanship that is developed through healthy competition is infinite.

            At the end of the day all of us are not so fortunate in life to have strategically placed officials at every turn we make.   Many of us do not have individuals in our lives calling us out on those mistakes, foul ups, and wrong turns.   Perhaps we should have such people in our lives, then it would save us from those embarrassing moments where we wish the earth would open up and swallow us whole.

            I challenge you this week to not be the parent who gets a penalty because you interfered in a situation where your child had a chance to learn an important life lesson.   Even if you strongly believe your child is being wronged, to have your child witness you behaving unprofessionally, belligerently and obnoxiously will be a negative life lesson he will carry forever.

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