Bahamas Global Youth Festival Launches Logo & Song Competition
Oct 17, 2014 - 3:06:50 PM

Geared at highlighting the talents of young Bahamians all across the country, and bolstering marketability on a global scale, the organizers of the Bahamas Global Youth Festival (BGY-FEST aka Biggie-Fest), slated to be held in Grand Bahama in June 2015, officially launched logo and song competitions on Tuesday

The grand prize for the song competition is $1,000 and the winner of the logo competition will receive a $300 cash prize.

BGY-Fest, hosted by Clinton Minnis Global (CMG) Inc. and partners,will start accepting submissions for the logo competition from October 24, 2014 and the deadline for submissions is November 15, 2014.

The winning logo will be announced at the official global launch of BGY-FEST on November 30, 2014. The logo will be owned by BGY-FEST.

Submissions for the Song Competition will begin at the same time, but with a deadline of Dec. 31, 2014, with the winner being announced in early January 2015.

"Seeing as October is National Youth Month, we thought it would be appropriate to challenge and empower our young people and give then hope toward an expected end. It's all about helping them fulfill God's plan for their lives," he said.

“We want to invest in the creative abilities, skills, talents, training and gifting of our young people. We also want to stimulate hope in the youth of Grand Bahama in particular. Through art and music, people express their views of the world and of life,and we want to ensure that the voices of our young people will be heard,” said BGY-FEST founder Rev. Clinton Minnis.

The logo competition is open to Bahamian students between the ages of 13-17on the island of Grand Bahama only.The winning logo will be a permanent BGY-Fest logo and should encompass the pillars of BGY-Fest: entrepreneurship, technology, spirituality, arts, entertainment and mission. Overall, it should give a Bahamian global impression of a youth festival.It will also be promoted worldwide for all future BGY-Fest events.

A part from the $300 cash prize, the winner of the logo competition will gain free registration at BGY-FEST 2015 and will be recognized at the event as the logo’s creator.

Reputable judges in art and graphic design will be used for this competition.

Unlike the logo competition, the BGY-FEST Song Competition will be open to Bahamians from all over the Bahamas between the ages of 18-35.Entrants should focus on the theme drawn from 1Thessolonians1 vs. 3- 10.

The song must have a Bahamian global concept, feel, and must be marketable. BGY-FEST will own the rights to the song. The winner will perform live at BGYFEST and will be used for some promotional tours.The winner will be announced in January 2015.

The song competition will be open to all Bahamian nationals residing in The Bahamas, and must be between 3 ½ to 4 ½ minutes long. It must be youth friendly, indicative of Bahamian culture in its sound, possess spiritual essence and embody the theme of BGY-FEST 2015: Inspired by Hope.

Persons wishing to enter the logo and song competition are asked to submit entries, along with contact information to and

“Participants will have an opportunity to be a part of something positive and this experience will be with them for the rest of their lives. We hope it becomes an impetus for them to produce even greater things,” Rev. Minnis said.

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