The Pastor's Pulpit
A Good Man
By Pastor Allen
Mar 10, 2010 - 2:10:09 PM

Prov.13: 22.  A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

In the Hebrew this word Good is: towb, tobe; which has several meanings such as (1) bountiful, (2) prosperity or prosperous, and (3) wealthy.

Now, before we go any further.  Please do me this favor; and take off your religious hat so that we can look at the above passage of scripture through the eyes of the Spirit, and not through the eyes of a denominational / religious view. I can assure you that God won’t be angry at you; as a matter of fact He would be very proud of you for allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.  Take note: that the scripture verse is two fold?   (Part a) A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:  (Part b) The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Here’s what Part A, doesn’t say:  It does not say that a religious man, be that a Christian or a Muslim man, neither does it say that a White or a Black man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children; but rather it states that a good man leaveth an inheritance. Do you agree?

Erroneous religious teachings and stinking thinking has caused many who claims to be people of faith to say dumb things like “The best inheritance a man can leave for his children, is the word of God” 

As good as the above saying might sound and no matter how well one might be able to  exegete the scriptures; the religious knuckle heads that make such statements seems to be too stupid to relies that Prov.13:22. A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children:  is the word of God. And there is absolutely no doubt that the inheritance Prov.13:22, is referring to is not the word of God.

Watch this!  In the Hebrew this word inheritance is: nachal, naw-khal'; which has several meanings such as (1) to inherit, (2) to occupy, (3) to bequeath, or to leave somebody something in a will, and (4) to distribute or to divide an estate. 

Not to say that I told you so before; but take another look at Hosea.4:6. and you will see how and why the religiously Christians are so messed up. To the point that well meaning saints have succumb to living beneath their ordained rights as children of 'elyown, el-yone' the Most high God. listen, one need not be a rocket scientist, a college graduate or a theologian to correctly answer this question.

If the scripture says that “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children” then, what kind of man doesn’t leave an inheritance?  Selah.  Could the answer to this question be, A no-good man?

As a man, what inheritance are you leaving for your children’s children?  Is it your religion or political affiliation? 

Watch this! Whenever a good man dies, he leaves a will / a bequeath, that outlines his wishes and demands of the distribution of his estate.  Whereas in most cases whenever a no-good man dies, he leaves a bill; as somebody has to pay for his funeral and other debts he generated during his time.

A good man’s children and grand children proudly declares of all the lands, houses and money that are left to them. But the declaration of a no-good man‘s children is as such “Daddy or Grand Daddy worked at company A - Z, or the Government for over 50 years, and all he left was a wrist watch and plaque he got upon retirement”   What sort of man are you striving to become?  A good man, or a no-good man?

Here’s Part B, of Prov.13:22. and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

How many times in the settings of an emotionally charged religious conference or church service have you heard this statement “The bible says, that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous, and I‘m gonna get mine”

Religious hype and pulpit rhetoric along with the incomplete / unbalanced prosperity teaching has contributed greatly to the high level of ignorance as it relates to the true covenant rights of  today’s church.  Yes, I admit, even though it’s difficult to do; I agree that there are some wolves (so-called Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc;) in church leadership who are giving the cynical (none believers) every reason and opportunity to lambaste the church; but that doesn’t nullify the will of God to prosper his people.

In reading this article, if what you’re seeing within church leadership both internationally and locally is causing you to withdraw from the things of God and to disobey His word.  Please note what the Apostle Peter said.1Peter.4: 17.  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Remember!  Don’t allow where you are in life, to determine who you are.  For the truth is; you are the righteousness of Father Yahweh, in Yeshuwa Messiah.

May the FOG (Favor of God) be with you:

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Pastors Matthew & Brendalee AllenKingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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