The Pastor's Pulpit
A Matter of Trust
By Pastor Allen‏
Aug 18, 2009 - 10:33:47 AM

Who are you trusting in?

Now, before you religiously answer this question, I beg of you to stop and sincerely think about; what you're thinking about. No, the word trust is not has nothing to do with Bahamian politics; because if it did and you're trusting in the PLP or FNM, then dog eat you lunch. So for the purpose of this exercise please take your mind out of the political arena; as I know that may be very difficult for you, seeing that just about everything in this country evolves around politics.

The worst politics of them all is church politics; and Lord knows we've got a lot of that here in the Bahamas.

Watch this!

If you're a person in need of unconditional help and you are not a part of certain religious groups, denominations or fellowships; may God help you, remember the words are unconditional Help. I wanted to use the words unconditional love, but I'm aware of the fact that the true essence of God's Agape love to today's religious church is like trying to find darkness, in light. As for trust, here's what the bible says in Proverbs chapter three, verses five and six.

NLT: Prov.3: 5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

: 6. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.

Could it be; that as a nation, as a family or as an individual (we have or you have) made some life changing decisions based upon our own understanding and not seeking the Lord's face; to see if those decisions was His will for our lives? And now here we are as a nation, a family or an individual “stuck like chuck” on the wrong path of life.

Whenever the trust factor has been violated in any relationship (a marriage, a business, a religion, a friendship or politics) The external image of that relationship may look well and in tact but internally it's only a matter of time before the walls come tumbling down.

Often, we see people walking the streets in a somewhat reprobate state of mind and ignorantly a quick assessment is made of them. How often do we enquirer of their condition or situation and diligently seek to help restore or assist them the best we can?

It's no secret or mystery as to what we're trusting in as a nation. I believe that there was a time when Bahamians on the whole had a heart and passion for God and the things of God. But over the years this nation has been systematically detoured from seeking and trusting in God (Yahweh); to seek and trust in the nation's other god (tourism) and the dollar.

As a nation, how do we get back on track? By facing the fact that we've substituted relationship with God for religion; and then by calling the spade, a spade; speaking the truth even if it hurts.

Yes! Whenever truth is being revealed and accountability is called into question; faulty leadership goes on the defense immediately.

Accountability: To give an-account of the leadership ability or office one holds.

The lack of accountability has dealt this nation a vicious blow; insomuch that today's leadership from all sectors of our society (Political, Religious, Civic, etc;) are operating with a mindset of “you don't have the rights to ask me any question; I'm the government, I'm the Bishop or I'm the boss” We're at a time in this country whereas it would seems as treason or sacrilegious for one to legitimately question leadership. This is one of the reasons why our Government has young and upcoming spineless Ministers and Ministers of State and also spineless members of the Opposition. The church on the other hand is just as bad or even worst than that of parliament when it comes to leadership accountability.

One may ask, how could the church stray so far of course? Let's take a quick glimpse at man's trust in their religion verses relationship with God (Yahweh) through his Son Yeshuwa Messiah.

Every religion that we see today came out of Babylon and is the brain-child of some man or groups of men. In its simplest term, religion is man's distorted spiritual quest for God,(Yahweh) his creator; which has resulted in many different religions and denominations that exalts its leaders of whom their followers puts their trust.

All religions seem to have various forms of godliness but deny His power (2Tim.3:5). They're all calling on and worshiping / trusting in god; but is it Yahweh?

Ps.20: 7. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Religion will only take you to a point in life and leave you there. Religion will fill you with a superficial emotional high; thereby causing you to chase after that high from conference to conference, year after year trying to fill that spiritual void; somewhat like a (cocaine) crack-head chasing after his / her first high.

Watch this! In religion we've got to sing “Cum by here, my Lord, Cum by here” but in relationship He says to us as He spoke to Joshua. Josh.1: 5. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

If He resides within you by His Spirit, there's no need to sing Cum by here” and if you are singing it then maybe you've got a trust problem.

Don't hate: For it's A Matter of Trust.

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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