The Pastor's Pulpit
A Mother
By Pastor Allen
May 8, 2009 - 9:10:29 PM

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful, God given gifts to the thousands of families throughout the length and breath of The Bahamas. Mom we love you.

Can you see the picture of a Mother’s love in this story?

A young man stands before the Supreme Court charged with the most heinous crime. In tears this young man pleads his innocence, but off to prison he’s sent on remand. The angry crowd gathered outside the court eagerly waiting their opportunity to get at this young man. His mother is verbally insulted and later physically assaulted as she declares her son’s innocence.

The community wherein the accused, offender was raised, lives and where the criminal act were committed have already concluded that he’s guilty and should pay the ultimate price. Watch this!

After being arrested and charged, this accused man has lost all of his so-called friends, his biological brothers and sisters have distances themselves from him; at his arraignment no family member showed up except for his Mother. Everyday, wherever his mother went she was faced with ridicule; her family’s name has become the scorn of the community as a result of the charges her son faces; but amidst all the pain and anguish, Mom loves her son and continually prays for him.

The religious church of which Mom is a faithful member for the past twenty-five years and serves as an Elder, has asked her to step down from the Elder’s Board because of criminal charges against her son. As a result of her son’s charges Mom now has to walk about two miles to the nearest bus stop in order to take the bus too work, because her neighbor / co-worker who is also a church member no longer offers her a ride.

Every night before Mom goes to bed she prays for her son, every morning she gets up and offers prayers of thanksgiving unto God for vindicating her son. For two and a half years Mom went back and forth to court with her son; until the final day (judgment day). On this morning Mom got up much earlier than the other mornings and stayed on her knees silently before God for about three hours.

As Mom walked into the court room; the Supreme Court Judge ordered that the court room remain silent as he has an announcement to make.

The Judge as he spoke to the accused young man and his mother:

To the accused: “As a result of some new evidence and information brought before this court, it has been proven beyond all shadows of doubt that you are innocent of these charges and are free to go”

To the Mother: “Words can’t express how sorry I am for the pain and anguish this process has caused you. I would strongly advise that you secure a more competent attorney and take legal actions against this system and all those who have caused you this pain”

The Mother’s response to the Judge: “Sir, I do thank you for your time and your advice. But please allow me to say, that I’ve got the very best attorney that a person can have, his name is Yeshuwa Messiah, and out of our ignorance we religiously call him (Jesus Christ). From the beginning of this matter He assured me that everything is going to be alright; and that He’s faithful to His word.M

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful, God given gifts to the thousands of families throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas. Mom we love you.

Can you see the picture of a Mother’s love in this story?

A young man stands before the Supreme Court charged with the most heinous crime. In tears this young man pleads his innocence, but off to prison he’s sent on remand. The angry crowd gathered outside the court eagerly waiting their opportunity to get at this young man. His mother is verbally insulted and later physically assaulted as she declares her son’s innocence.

The community wherein the accused, offender was raised, lives and where the criminal act were committed have already concluded that he’s guilty and should pay the ultimate price. Watch this!

After being arrested and charged, this accused man has lost all of his so-called friends, his biological brothers and sisters have distances themselves from him; at his arraignment no family member showed up except for his Mother. Everyday, wherever his mother went she was faced with ridicule; her family’s name has become the scorn of the community as a result of the charges her son faces; but amidst all the pain and anguish, Mom loves her son and continually prays for him.

The religious church of which Mom is a faithful member for the past twenty-five years and serves as an Elder, has asked her to step down from the Elder’s Board because of criminal charges against her son. As a result of her son’s charges Mom now has to walk about two miles to the nearest bus stop in order to take the bus too work, because her neighbor / co-worker who is also a church member no longer offers her a ride.

Every night before Mom goes to bed she prays for her son, every morning she gets up and offers prayers of thanksgiving unto God for vindicating her son. For two and a half years Mom went back and forth to court with her son; until the final day (judgment day). On this morning Mom got up much earlier than the other mornings and stayed on her knees silently before God for about three hours.

As Mom walked into the court room; the Supreme Court Judge ordered that the court room remain silent as he has an announcement to make.

The Judge as he spoke to the accused young man and his mother:

To the accused: “As a result of some new evidence and information brought before this court, it has been proven beyond all shadows of doubt that you are innocent of these charges and are free to go”

To the Mother: “Words can’t express how sorry I am for the pain and anguish this process has caused you. I would strongly advise that you secure a more competent attorney and take legal actions against this system and all those who have caused you this pain”

The Mother’s response to the Judge: “Sir, I do thank you for your time and your advice. But please allow me to say, that I’ve got the very best attorney that a person can have, his name is Yeshuwa Messiah, and out of our ignorance we religiously call him (Jesus Christ). From the beginning of this matter He assured me that everything is going to be alright; and that He’s faithful to His word.

“Sir, I now have little taste of what His mother (Mary) went through as she watch her son go through the unjust judicial court system; being humiliated and later crucified. I‘ve discovered that during those tough times in Yeshuwa’s life that His mother loved Him even more”

“To this very day, many persons have yet to understand the love of a Mother. When the doctors have done all that they can, a mother’s love is always there. When the systems of this world and the community says that, this young man or woman is no good; a mother’s love is always there.”

I’m so thankful to God (Father Yahweh) for blessing me with the mother that I have; for no matter what I had to go through or have done, Mom never gave up on me. When I was in the WORLD acting the fool, being a tool for the devil; Mom never stop praying for me. Now here I am today; a Pastor, serving God’s people and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

I do believe that there are many out there who can attest to the fact that it was Mom’s prayer and support that have brought them to the point that they now are. Therefore as we set this time aside to honor our Moms, we are fully aware of the fact the roses, dinners and other gifts can never pay for all that Mom has done and in most cases yet doing. These acts are but just a small token of our appreciation and love for the world’s greatest women (our Moms), wherever you may be worldwide; Moms we love you.

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:   or 225-3850 or 441-2021.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded fellowship Centre Int’l,

Happy Mother’s Day

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