The Pastor's Pulpit
A National Lottery, Why Not?
By Pastor Allen
Jun 23, 2009 - 2:59:52 PM

Time is to far spend and I’m not one to play the religious, hypocritical game that is being played by the leaders of the religious community. I am ultimately convinced that it’s due to their ignorance that the religious leaders are giving their weak excuses as to why they oppose a national lottery.

Watch this! Take a good look at hypocrisy:

(1) How many times have you seen the religious leaders / high priests, (the Annas and Caiaphas’) of today, marching and demonstrating over Paradise Island against Atlantis casino or at the Crystal Palace casino out Cable Beach, or better still against the newly purposed casino for the upcoming Cat Island project?

(2) How is it that immediately after the raids and arrest of the local number houses boss and others, that the Police and the Christian council members didn’t make their way to Paradise Island and arrest Mr. Sol Kerzner and the casino staff?

You Hypocrites, religious leaders!  It would be by far much better if you do not speak, than to say you’re speaking about the moral affect a lottery would have on this country.  No, but rather it’s your hypocritical actions and positions that are affecting the morals of this Bahamas              

Listen, I am fully aware that with views and comments such as this; I would never be a candidate for the Good Old Boys religious club, where the Doctors, Bishops, Apostles and others gather; but do I care? “Hell No”.

Time and space would not allow me to give this topic (A National Lottery) its due diligence; but for the purpose of this exercise I would ask you to take of your religious cap for a few moments and truly begin to think. God won’t hold it against you, if you try to use your brain this one time.

It is a fact that millions of dollars are generated through the un-taxed numbers / lottery system on a weekly / monthly basis here in the Bahamas.  I can assure you that before the numbers business became as technology sound as they are today; millions, upon millions of dollars left the Bahamas weekly for the Florida Lottery.

Who benefits from the Bahamian contributions to the Florida Lottery?  The answer: The State of Florida Education System, Road Maintenance / Infrastructures, etc.  

Religion and erroneous teachings / beliefs has delivered a crippling, effective blow to the so-called best of the best religious leaders of the Bahamas; to the point that they are lost as it relates to preparing and empowering Bahamians to live the abundant life that Yeshuwa Messiah spoke of in John.10:10.

As a disciple of Yeshuwa Messiah, and not a religious Christian; I’m not surprised at the response of the religious leaders to a National Lottery. Based upon what these leaders are saying; it is evident that they’re trusting in their religious beliefs and leaning to their own understanding. On a matter such as this (A National Lottery) which has its [pros and cons]; here’s what the religious leaders have failed to do, and this is obvious based upon the words that’s coming out of their mouths.  

Prov.3:.5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

: 6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  

As a young boy growing up and schooling in Nassau, I know that there has never been a year when all of our schools were ready at beginning of the new school year. In most cases it was due to bad planning / administration, the lack of and limited resources / finances.

Here are some of the pros from a national lottery:

  1. The funding from such a lottery can drastically and positively change the school  maintenance and education supplies program
  2. Fuller scholarship could be granted to those deserving students who parents can’t to pay for such scholarship
  3. Much more funding would be available  to help develop and support Bahamian athletes
  4. A better road and infrastructure program can be develop for the betterment of the entire Bahamas
  5. Two state of the art multi-million dollars hospitals can be built, one in Nassau and the other in Freeport  

Here are some of the cons from a national lottery:

  1. The lack of modern technology and having proper systems in place to ensure a fair, unbiased operation of such a lottery
  2. An out-dated, constipated, corrupt judicial system that would find ways and means to allow influential persons to get away with wrong doings
  3. The amount of money to be won each week could further endanger the lives of those who may win; by the on looking criminal mind-set

As a participant / potential player of the lottery; one is pressing his or her luck for a big pay-day, likewise they’re taking a chance against the many odds and challenges that comes with winning. 

As a leader, be that religious or political; there is nothing wrong with not knowing everything. Therefore there is no need for you to be offended and on the other hand if you are offended; so what? But as it relates to you not knowing something, and if you do want to know; I’ve got good some news for you, here it goes.

James.1:5. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be give him.  

For questions and comments feel free to contact us via or Ph.441-2021 or 225-3850.  

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l     

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