The Pastor's Pulpit
A No Nonsense Leader
By Pastor Allen
Jan 14, 2010 - 6:58:48 PM

It was only a matter of God’s timing that the Bahamas would begin to see and experience true leadership.   The appointment of Mr. Greenslade as The Commissioner of Police and Mr. Marvin Dames as Deputy Commissioner and the out-of-the box thinking team of senior officers that leads the force; will no doubt throw a monkey wrench in the criminal’s agenda.


Now, please let me make this emphatically clear; that Mr. Greenslade, Mr. Dames and their team of officers don’t have a magic bullet that will prevent criminal acts from taking place in this country. But what this new leadership brings to the Royal Bahamas Police Force is something that was lacking for many, many years; and that’s visionary leadership.

There is no need for me to expound or dissect the word vision to this educated nation, because everybody from the out-house, the church-house and the parliament house has used and abused this word vision; yet we’ve all been groping around blindly like headless chickens.   Whiles the visionary criminals understands that our judicial system is constipated, and filled with highly paid legal eagles / lawyers   (in most cases) these lawyers are or the firms are owned / partnered by the persons that the country dubbed as honorable.


The high murder rate that this little Bahamas experienced in 2009, could be laid at the feet of poor / ineffective leadership on all of our (Bahamians) part.

Here again, is another word (Leadership) that has suffered the same fate as that of the word vision, in this educated / ed-u-macated Bahamas.   But be that as it may, let’s move on.

Please know this! Every criminal act that has and is being committed in this country is being carried out by one of our family members. But what do, we do as a society? Unless we’re one of the victims or family members of a victim we remain silent, and close our eyes and ears to criminal acts.   A no nonsense leadership approach to crime begins with us, firstly in our homes; which will no doubt spill over into our communities and then throughout our nation.

It makes absolutely no sense for us to experience the wrath of crime and murder as we did last year. When we as a Christian nation can come together and send a stern message to the criminal mind-set stating “Hell no, we won’t go through another year of your foolishness”                


The time has come for us (The Church) to get out of our four walls and take back our communities. In stead of having our annual conferences within the four walls, why don’t we go and set-up shop on the parks and areas where we know the drug dealers and gangs are?   I can assure you that every church leader and member knows where an illegal drug store is located; yet they all stay in the church buildings praying and sending God / the Holy Spirit to drive out the illegal activities from their areas.   Unbeknown to the religious mind-set; the fact and truth of the matter is that Yahweh has endowed the church of His Son, Yahshua Messiah with power and authority and sends us to take dominion.

Can you imagine what it would be like in our communities, especially those ones with five and six churches; if these churches would unite and have nightly evangelical street meetings on every known drug infested corner and park for the next nine months?


As we (Bahamians) pool our resources and say no, to every criminal act and hold the family of criminals somewhat accountable for the behavior their members. Our communities would then have a different outlook on being silent and covering illegal activities.

Listen, I’m not PLP, FMN, BDM, BDP or whatever other political fruit cake parties we’ve got out there. I am a Bahamian, and most of all I am a disciple of Yahshua Messiah and a son of Yahweh.

With that being said, I would like to give props to the Prime Minister the Right Honorable Hubert A. Ingraham for making a wise move in appointing Mr. Greenslade and Mr. Dames as Commissioner and deputy of Police.   Now all the Bahamian people would ask is “that for God sake, please keep politics out of the police force so that these men and women can work to best of their abilities.”

The no nonsense, skilled and wise leadership that Mr. Greenslade and Mr. Dames brings to the Police Force should be the very same that is displayed throughout every facet of our government agencies, public and private sectors. This sort of action will put a demand upon us as a nation to be and do better.


We’ re all   at fault for our country falling apart as its doing; but it’s not to late, let’s rise up Bahamians and make the Bahamas beautiful once again.


For questions and comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021


Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l          

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