The Pastor's Pulpit
An Ear to Hear!
By Pastor Allen
Jul 15, 2009 - 6:06:12 PM

In Revelation chapter 2 and 3 Yeshuwa Messiah writes to the churches and each of them were given this admonishment (He that hath an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;)

Today the Spirit is yet speaking, but the angles of these churches (Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Doctors, etc;) are so disconnected from Father Yahweh due to their erroneous religious beliefs; they're in no position to hear what the Spirit is saying, as a result the enemy is wreaking havoc throughout the nation. It is evident that the hit and missed god of the religious churches today is not the Most High God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Ninety percent of the churches here in the Bahamas are operating as an out of control freight train that's hauling flammable substances, and loaded with passengers; it's only a matter of time before disaster strikes.

The enemy has cunningly worked his way into what we call the church today; and through various shades of his Babylonian religions has deceived many leaders, left, right and center. This religious spirit and the tradition of men is so powerful in that it has literally caused church leaders to accept and operate from the position and title of religious leaders.

Before we go any further think of this for a few moments: With over four thousand churches throughout the Bahamas, how is it that the enemy can wreak such havoc in this country? As I've stated before and will continue to herald that “The hardest spirit to drive out; is the spirit that's been invited in”

As far as today's religious leaders are concern: there is nothing wrong with their church; because they're having the conferences, seminars, workshops and revivals, and the people are being blessed in Jesus' name. The apostle Paul said to the saints, Galatians.3:1. O' Foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth? Likewise I humbly and respectfully ask the church leaders of the Bahamas “Who hath bewitched you?”

As a patriotic, passionate son of the soil, I would love nothing more than to see the Bahamas being a pace setter on the global scene in various areas of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with holding the political leaders of this country accountable for integrity governance; but I must declare that the brunt of the deterioration that this nation is facing lies at the feet / doors of the powerless, religious church. Why or how could I make such a statement? The answer is very simple; I've carefully watched and diligently listen to the religious leaders as they talk about what their churches are doing via programs, conferences, etc.

Then I'm reminded by the Spirit of what Yeshuwa meant when He responded to the answer Peter gave via revelation from Yahweh in Matthew.16:16. Here's Yeshuwa's reply Matt.16:18b. And upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

The problem with the church today is that the leaders have allowed religion to be their god; henceforth they are well known in the country as religious leaders and are in stiff competition with each other, to see who can built the largest church and fill it with religious Christians; whereas the church that Yeshuwa has built, He's filling it with true disciples and not religious Christians. The center of attention in religion is and will always be the leaders of that religion, Selah. The organized religious church belongs to the denomination, the Bishop, Apostle etc; of whom the congregations have be methodically trained to worship and serve in one facet or another.

He that hath an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: Through the incomplete (not incorrect) prosperity gospel; the religious leaders are responsible via erroneous, contaminated teachings for the people prioritizing and seeking after the blessings of God; rather then them seeking the face of God.

Religion has deceived the church so badly to the point that leaders sees nothing wrong with merchandising the gospel and have set up ministries to execute their agendas. As if fleecing and pimping the people from the pulpits aren't bad enough; attending these money making conferences is liken to the nail, in the coffin where.

  1. The people are financially charged to attend; these chargers are often given a religious title and excuse or reason. They're sometimes call registration fees to help meet the budget.

  2. The religious leaders and their special guest / pimping partners through the spirit of manipulation, compellingly forces the sales of their products (books, c.d's tapes, etc) upon their guilt driven if they don't buy victims

This merchandising religious practice in the church is nothing new, it's just that today's leaders have up their game in this area; but Yeshuwa's principles and stands on this sort of practice remains the same. Watch this!

Matt.21:12. And Yeshuwa went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and brought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seat of them that sold dove.

: 13. And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a DEN OF THIEVES

I wonder what He (Yeshuwa) would say if He was ever invited to attend these annual money making religious conferences. Here's a quick reminder to the religious leaders who have built their dynasty by this and many other tactics; 1John.1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

And also to you religious (nuts) followers who are buying everybody's books seeking prosperity and success. Stop wasting the little money you do have and become a disciple of Yeshuwa; here's what the bible (God's word) says about your prosperity and success.

J oshua.1:8.This book of the shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success

He that hath an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

For questions and comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l

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