The Pastor's Pulpit
And When!
By Pastor Allen
Jul 31, 2009 - 11:57:35 AM

Ps.61: 1. Hear my cry, O God ('elohiym, el-o-heem'); attend unto my prayer.

: 2. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

As a result of the many battles that David fought and being distraught by his numerous enemies Psalm.61, could serve a blanket prayer for David's life. As one of Yahweh's chosen / anointed vessel isn't interesting that David didn't say in verse:2b, “and if my heart is overwhelmed” but rather he said “and when my heart is overwhelmed”

In this day and time as a leader, (especially) the leader of a nation such as; a President, a King, a Queen or a Prime Minister, etc; it is very easy to become overwhelmed.

As I hear the audible and silent cries of countless Bahamians and watch as this nation literally falls apart both spiritually and naturally. I've long concluded that the person in whom the nation is looking too for answers (The Prime Minister) himself is overwhelmed. One of the main reason or cause for his being overwhelmed (looking at it from a deck of cards perspective) is that the deck /cabinet pool, that he has to help him effectively govern this nation has much more jokers than strong leading cards. As a none politically motivated / hidden agenda, or ulterior motive Pastor, I've committed to keep The Prime Minister lifted up in prayer. Because as it is right now, God forbids that something should happen to him that would prevent him from fulfilling his duties as Prime Minister of the Bahamas; the result would be Jokers Wild.

Unlike David, who had a true uncompromising prophets named Samuel; that was bold enough to tell the king the truth even if it hurts. To the contrary, both the former and present Prime Ministers of the Bahamas did not and does not have such luxury of having true men of God to speak into their lives and give sound advise.

As the spiritual Mecca of the western hemisphere the Bahamas and the Bahamian people should be the envy of the world; thereby provoking other nations to jealousy. There are times when I really want to lash out at the government (both former and present), but the Spirit of Yahweh always checks me; like a basket ball player checks another and forbids me to go further.

For He constantly says to me “Governments and politicians will be who they are, and do that which they normally do. Instead, I want you to cry out against the wicked, hypocritical religious leaders who are prostituting my word for filthy lucre !!

Through political ignorance via various governments and spiritual blindness via the religious leaders the Bahamas has positioned herself to be dictated too and consumed by the European Common Market which is the hub for The New World Order and The One World Government.

As the stage for The New World Order is being set in place; those whom God had called and anointed to be spiritual watchmen over the nation has aborted the call for fame and fortunate; they've taken and are using the word of God to promote themselves and their agendas. In the religious cycle today I'm often hearing silly stuff like “ If you want to know more about what God is saying on this or that matter, I've written a book or two that deals with this subject, I urge you to purchase these books; they'll be a blessing to you”

The above kind of statements and practices emanates from the spirit of witchcraft and manipulation which has deceived many religious leaders. Again, this sort of practice is nothing new. For from time past many books with spiritual connotations had being written by men with forms of godliness; that solely benefited the author's agenda.

But as it relates to God leading and directing his people, here's what He said to Joshua.

J oshua.1:8. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Religiously thinking, it's easy to believe that voice of God to the nations in these End-Times would be the popular Bishops, Apostles, Doctors, etc; because of their big churches, book deals or T.V. Ministries. But not so, for Father Yahweh is rising up sons after His own heart; that are willing to die out to self for the betterment of His people. In these overwhelmed times, these Kingdom Minded sons / Disciples of Yahweh would be able to accurately and boldly advise governments of what to do; for they will flow and operate in the spirit of wisdom as did the sons of Issachar.

1Chron.12: 32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.

Whiles the religious leaders are preaching their one sided prosperity gospel. The principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places are having a field day via the systems they've established. The level of ignorance and deception of this fact is one of the reasons why we've got over four thousand powerless churches in this country.

How many of these religious conferences do you hear teach on and expose the principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places?

In closing I dare you to ask 98% of these spiritually blind conference attendees questions about The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Illuminati, The Bilderberg group, The C.F.R, etc; I can assure that they would have no idea or interest in what you're speaking of. As far as these religious nuts are concern, they just want a breakthrough / financial blessing word from their Man-of-God, who in most cases, himself are clueless to origin and function of these End-Times Principality groups.

O Foolish, religious Christians, you and your leaders are being overwhelmed because you've given into the spirit of witchcraft.

For questions or comments contact us via or 1-242-441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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