The Pastor's Pulpit
And thou shall be a blessing!
By Pastor Allen
Jun 3, 2009 - 9:47:45 PM

Gen.12:2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shall be a blessing.

In observing and listening to all of the religious leaders that we’ve got here in the Bahamas, it’s fair to say that a vast majority of them have yet to understand the revelation of the blessings of Abram.

Religious conferences, etc; are being held on a monthly and annual bases by the thousands of churches throughout the Bahamas yet at the end of the day the attendees of these events; and the communities in which they resides remains the same (un-empowered, a refuge for the devil and his agents).

Here’s the problem!

Erroneous religious teachings about the blessings of Abram have resulted in many saints within the body of Yeshuwa Messiah, living defeated lives. This grave injustice has affected the body so badly; to the point that whenever the unsaved goes to a church and hears the word (Blessings) one of the first things that comes to his / her mind is that “This preacher is after my money.”

Why is this? Well, I’m glad you’ve asked. The picture that the religious leaders have painted of the blessings is as such: (1) The big house, (2) the fine cars, (3) the bank accounts, (4) the cloths, the bling, bling, etc; Whereas, the above mentioned items are only by-products of the blessing; for the blessing of itself, is God’s covenant promise of His empowerment upon his people to get wealth (Deut.8:18).

The enemy / Satan, through religion and the organized denominations and some none-denominational religious churches have deceived many religious leaders as to the purpose of the blessing.

Many are of the view that if the people bless the man or woman of God first; then God is going to bless them (the people). This teaching and view may sound good and spiritual, as scripture verses are often taken out of context to justify the Bishop’s, Apostle’s Doctor’s emotionally charged messages; but that doesn’t make it right in the sight of Yahweh. Watch this! One need not be a spiritual guru or a Harvard graduate to come to a reasonable / sensible conclusion to this scenario.

(Can a sheep or a flock with no wool or very little wool; provide wool for its shepherd’s covering? No, it can’t)

The fleecing of such sheep is detrimental to the sheep; as they would then be exposed to the elements; the cold of winter, the heat of the sun and the night draft could prove to be fatal for a sheep that has been to deeply and consistently.

This is the case with many sheep / church-folks that are in the sheepfold of religious minded shepherds, as they’re constantly fleecing the sheepfold to cover and fatten themselves. In pursuit of materialistic things (Houses, cars, money, big sanctuary buildings, etc) many religious leaders are ignorant of the fact that a good shepherd is best known by the condition of his well nourished sheepfold; and not the opposite “a well cared for fat shepherd and a lean, lacking, sickly sheepfold.

Now, I do agree that I’m not as anointed as your religious leader; for he /she may have went to bible seminary where (Professor Jun-Bug) filled them with lots of religious garbage, as they may have also earned a Master’s degree for being an astute garbage receptacle; and here you are today living and making life’s decisions based upon the religious garbage you’re being fed.

Listen! I don’t have any degree, much-less a Master’s degree; BUT what I do have is a personal relationship with the Master himself, Yeshuwa Messiah; and He’s constantly instructing me to advise the people that they’re being led down the wrong path through religion and its erroneous teachings.

Unfortunately, none of today’ religious leaders’ wants to talk about stuff like this and the other ills and hurts that are being inflicted upon sheepfolds and families within the body of Messiah by some wolves in sheep clothing. In the natural, this is likening to a conspiracy or an oath taken between a den of thieves to cover and protect one another.

Yeshuwa Messiah came and said to his body of disciples (John.14:6. I am the way), not your denomination’s religious beliefs; for this is what has rendered the church of today powerless against the wiles of the devil.

As the nation goes through this time of famine, this is an ideal time for the over four thousand religious church leaders to unite and stop banking the money / hording it up for their own lust; and in turn begin to be a blessing to the hurting sheepfold.

The sheepfold should not have to look too and wait on the government to give them a hand out; whereas ministries and religious leaders who like to preach and talk about Abram’s blessing, are themselves not being a blessing.

Religious leaders! Stop financially investing in your buildings and begin to invest in the lives of the broken, hurting people that fill these buildings. For if Yahweh has or is blessing you; it is so that you can be a blessing.

For questions and comments we can be contacted via E-mail:  or Ph.441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded fellowship Center Int’l,

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