The Pastor's Pulpit
Are We Ready?
By Pastor Allen
Oct 5, 2009 - 1:52:35 PM

The time is not coming, but rather is at hand for us as a people to stand up and take control of our own destiny. Gone are the days when we have looked to the Politicians / Political Parties or the Foreign Investors to determine whether we live a good prosperous life or not.

As Bahamians, don’t you think that we have sang the “who did me wrong” song long enough?

We’re very proficient at blaming others for our refusal to be proactive. It’s like as a people; our get up and go, has gotten up and left us a long time ago. Therefore we’ve resorted to looking too and solely depending upon others to carry our load. This is one of the reasons why when a foreign investor closes his / her business and pulls out of the country; cries can be heard throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas of “How am I suppose to feed my family or pay my bills?” or “I’ve worked for this company for twenty two years, and this is all that they’ve given me”   Where did we go wrong as a nation? How is it that in this day and time Bahamians are still being trained to:

1. Go to school, get a good education

2. Get a good job and

3. Buy piece a property, build a house; and ?????????????? What’s Next? After number 3, comes 4,5,6, etc, etc; what’s next? Who have taken the time to teach us of how to make money work for us; rather than we’re working all of our lives for money?

  Maybe it’s just me; but has anybody else notice that we do have some smart kids coming out of our schools with degrees, yet they have to settle for the insulting low paying jobs; that’s if they’re lucky to find one.  What is this saying to the hundreds / thousands of other students that are following these graduates and others?

Make no mistake! Bahamians are very smart people, a seriously minded Bahamian needs only an opportunity / a hand up; and not a hand out. If given an opportunity and a little time this person would be someone to reckoned with nationally or internationally.

Unfortunately, as a people we’ve spent so much time complaining and crying in that we have overlooked and failed to embrace and see the opportunities ahead of us; which is often hidden in the situations / challenges we’re faced with.

  In spite of what you might of heard the original acronym for the word POOR is:

   P - People

O - Overlooking

O - Opportunity

R - Repeatedly

In many ways the acronym for the word poor describes a vast majority of us Bahamians; we’ve been constantly overlooking opportunities and staying forcus on tourism as if, without tourism we’re dead as a nation.   This mind-set, this stinking thinking is so diabolically contaminating in that I’ve heard prominent leaders (Political & Religious), make their silly statements and remarks of “If America closes its door of tourism to us; we’re through” Listen, you dumb / blind politicians and religious leaders who ascribe to this kind of foolish thinking and can’t see beyond your big toes. It’s obvious that America and tourism is your god; so rather than speaking from your rear ends, why don’t you SHUT the HELL up, and get out of the way so that some critical thinkers can come forth and help lead this nation down the path of God’s (Yahweh) Kingdom business and righteousness.

  From an educational stand point, I won’t condemn or blame the Minister of Education and the Minister of Agriculture for that which they don’t know; as it relates to educating the generations to come from a feeding ourselves perspective. It‘s obvious that they’re not aware of the unlimited wealth that can be generated in agriculture; for had they known this, then I can assure you that their ancient approach to agricultural education would be FAR, FAR different.

Okay, Ministers of Education & Agriculture; we’re talking about thinking out of the box and preparing our children to feed the nation and becoming wealthy in the course of doing so. Rather than this small minded / waste of time back yard farming stuff you’ll talking about.

Why not develop a national program whereby interested students would be given an opportunity to spend five - six months on a large scale farming operation throughout the United States? Thereby giving them a much better perspective and appreciation for agriculture and farming than that of what you’re offering right now.

  Watch this!

Here’s what the lack of vision and ignorance of a Leader or Minister would say “We can’t afford that kind of investment right now. Do you know how expensive such a program would be?”

And here’s what vision would say “How in the Hell, did you get to become Leader or Minister over anything? For this is where we’ve gone and is going wrong in this country by putting one dimensional, visionless people in leadership.  Are we ready for the next level?

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail: or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship C enter Int’l, 

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