The Pastor's Pulpit
Bullets of Love
By Pastor Allen
Feb 3, 2010 - 1:36:29 PM

A few weeks ago I attended a Saturday Sabbath worship service at The Capstone Ministries, where Pastor Micklyn Seymour presides.  During this service Father Yahweh spoke through one of his servants namely Ms. Tanya Leary who blessed the congregation with some inspirational words of encouragement titled (Bullets of Love).

In listening to Ms. Leary speak about Bullets of Love verses the bullets / ammunitions of destruction that are used in various firearms to inflict injury and in most cases death unto its victims throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas.  Based upon the trend that we’re heading as a nation, I’m inclined to write from view the point spoke of last Sabbath “Bullets of Love” by Ms. Leary.

As a nation on the scale of (1-10) one too ten, where would you say that we are as it relates to our love walk? Or better still where are you in your love walk?
One of the most powerful weapon that the enemy is using to inflict severe damages and destruction upon our society is the weapon of hatred; which is birth from the spirit of  carnality.

Watch this! The word carnal in the Greek is: sarkikos, sar-kee-kos'; which is pertaining to flesh, i.e. bodily or temporal.

The carnal / natural weapons like guns, knives, etc; are the instruments of destruction that many of our (criminal minded) young men have turned to as they wreak havoc in this once peaceable, loving Bahamas.         

As a Pastor, I’m somewhat disappointed at the state / condition of our nation as it relates to our love walk with one another. But thanks be unto God ('elohiym, el-o-heem';) for allowing his Holy Spirit to reveal unto me, the how and why we (the Bahamas) are in this spiritually poor and morally decaying condition.

 As I’m led to share that which the Holy Spirit has revealed; here’s a hard fact that I’ve come to accept.  Whenever Father Yahweh’s truth is being revealed, the first set of people that takes offense to the truth and the against chosen vessel of the truth;  would be the religious leaders. Selah.  

Over the years, through spiritual maturity I’ve learned not to take the religious leaders offenses personal; as Yahshua Messiah had to suffer the same fate.  For it was at the most critical time in His life that he said “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Blinded by their various religious beliefs, 99.9% of the country’s religious leaders have no idea of what is taking place spiritually in this nation, as it relates to the high murder rate; the mass killing of and the incarceration of the male seed.  Most of today’s church leaders seems to be more interested in promoting their agendas; whereas they’ve become competitively proficient at hosting powerless religious conferences and events, in Jesus’ name along with some rhyming clichés.  Meanwhile the enemy is having a field day wreaking havoc in the Bahamas; because he (the enemy) is fully aware of the fact that the church leaders of today are filled with eloquent speeches, yet void of the power (exousia, ex-oo-see'-ah), that was given by Yahshua to impact the world.

It is evident that the disseminating of God’s agape love is of very little or no priority to our leaders. The order and priority of today is financial prosperity and the agenda is to, Get all you can, and can all you get.  

God’s agape love is unconditional, it’s the type of love that keeps on giving in spite of; it‘s the type of love that will cause the giver to give of himself.  These are some of the reasons why God’s agape love is not being manifested in this country, especially within the religious church.  Now, when it comes to writing books and talking about everything else; our religious leaders will spear no expense and time in doing so.
Watch this! 
John.3: 16.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The merciless killings on our streets and the perishing of many families are a direct reflection of the absence of God’s agape love; and that of his Spirit being ruler and Lord of our nation.  So, before we (hypocritical, religious Bahamians) seek to call the earthquake of Haiti, God’s judgment.  Why is it then, that He (God) hasn’t wiped the Bahamas of the map as yet? 

I make no apology in saying that we’ve got lots of religious fools in this country, who may academically and theologically know about God; but it is evident by their conditional, superficial love walk that they don’t personally know and have a genuine relationship with God himself.  In other words these folks knows the word of God; but not the God of the word.

For if they knew Him, then their love walk toward the downtrodden, hurting and under privileged people would be effective enough to transform this nation.

Here’s what the scriptures says. 
1John.4:7.  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
: 8.  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Here we are, at the beginning of a Brand New Year; and like clock work the religious leaders never fails in giving / proclaiming their pathetic feelings of what they believe God is going to do this year.

Yes, I know that the contents of this article would offend the religious hierarchy; I also know that today’s religious order would have a serious problem with Yahshua Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) if he was walking the earth today.

This year let’s get all the religious junk and clichés out of the church, and replace them with God’s agape love.  Let’s counteract the criminal behaviors by arming ourselves with bullets of love and taking it to the streets.

For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph. 1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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