The Pastor's Pulpit
By Pastor Allen
Mar 1, 2010 - 4:18:05 PM

As I’ve stated before; we’ve perfected the art of riding the waves of words without dissecting and understanding fully the meaning thereof.  Therefore no matter how we try to eloquently politicize or spiritualize a word; the scripture (Hosea.4:6) always meets us at the front door as our ignorance shines forth like the morning sun.

The national word of today is Empowerment.  It seems as if no matter what arena or gathering one goes into; the word empowerment is somewhat the thrust of the conference or meeting.  As the scriptures are being fulfilled everyday before our eyes; people from all walks of life can be heard crying out in various ways for spiritual, emotional, financial, or psychological help, yet to no avail.

This leads me to conclude that despite all of the rhetoric about empowerment for the most path; that 95% of the people who are talking about empowerment have a preconceived, distorted, unclear view of empowerment itself.  The following statement can be often heard over the air waves and throughout our communities “The Government needs to do more to empower its people” 

I would double dog dare you to ask those who are echoing empowerment to expound on their meaning of empowerment?  To make a long story short; empowerment to many is creating employment opportunities or some kind of hand outs to the needy.  Listen!  By no means am I knocking the creation of employment opportunities and assisting the needy; for this in itself is good also.     
Follow me for a few moments as I paint the picture of that which I’m saying; and if you’re honest, you know that what I am saying is the truth.
Here’s the Webster Dictionary definition of empowerment:  (1) to give authority or power, and (2) to enable.

Where do you think Mr. Webster got his definition of empowerment?  Being the religious people that we are does Webster’s definition sounds familiar?  

Watch this!  Speaking of Yeshuwa Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) here’s what the scripture says.
Luke.9:1.  Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.
: 2.  And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
: 3.  And he said unto them, Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece.

This word power in the Greek is: dunamis, doo'-nam-is; which means (1) ability, and (2) the abundance of strength and might.
The word authority in the Greek is: exousia, ex-oo-see'-ah; which also have several meanings as follows:  (1) force, (2) capacity, (3) competency, (4) freedom, (5) mastery, (6) magistrate, (7) potentate, (8) token of control, (9) delegated influence, and (10) jurisdiction.

As a people / nation, we’ve become so comfortable with mediocrity in that, even in our cry of empowerment; we will settle for being the recipients of a weekly or monthly pay-check or charitable hand outs. The two most influential systems of the world (Political and Religious) has not been establish to empower the masses of people; but rather to govern and keep the masses looking too, and depending upon their leaders for answers and support.       

Do yourself a favor and follow the trail of authority in this country; maybe then you will get some idea of that which I’m speaking.  Because, true empowerment calls for the denying of one’s self and the preferring, the advancement and the substantial welfare of others above self.
Now, check your list / trail of authority figures and see who are denying themselves so that you or others can succeed?  How about your honorable member of parliament, or better still; how about your anointed religious leader?

Again, the leaders of the systems (Political and Religious) fully embraces the lyrics of the Great Ronnie Butler’s song “I know them long time, them people they’re mine” for the politicians are fully aware of the fact that the grassroots have been well trained and conditioned to received political rhetoric and futile promises.
Likewise, the religious leaders knows that the people are trenched in tradition and religion; and its only a matter of opening a bible and quoting a few scriptures to move their agenda and their people in a desired direction.

True empowerment comes from Father Yahweh through the obedience of His word from which man has taken and twisted to form their various religions thereby financially and materially empowering themselves. 
In speaking to a people here’s what Yahweh says: Deut.8:18.  But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
People, wake up! The empowerment that your spirit man knows that you’re entitled to through a covenant relationship will never be obtained in religion. This empowerment can’t be found at political rallies or religious conferences, but rather it is found in getting back to basic studying and obedience to God’s word.  Again, there’s always much more to say, but this ought to be enough to cause you to get up and do the right things for your children‘s children sake.

May the FOG (Favor of God) be with you

For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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