The Pastor's Pulpit
By Pastor Allen
Nov 14, 2009 - 8:57:32 AM

Are gangs a new phenomenon? No, they’re not.  Gangs are nothing new, it’s just that our perception of the name or word “Gang” based upon the disruptive and criminal  activities carried out by various groups of lawless young men and women. The word gang leaves a bad taste and aroma in our society.

For from back in what we call the bible days Gangs were around and made their presence known and in most cases they were referred to as Sects. This information maybe of no value to you; but I hasten to inform you that this is one of the reasons why as an educated, religious nation we‘re forever perishing for the lack of knowledge (Hosea.4:6).

Follow me as I highlight the natural and spiritual aspect of gangs:   1. Natural side of gangs:

There are many lawless gangs throughout the Bahamas (known & unknown like,  Zoe-Pound, Rebellion, etc;) that are holding the nation hostage via their criminal activities.

Then again, there are some lawful, legal gangs like The Royal Bahamas Police Force, The Royal Bahamas Defense Force, Custom and Immigration Departments collectively are by far much stronger in man power than the above lawless gangs.

So, with this evidential facts there is absolutely no excuse; other than that of the lack of wisdom by (The Powers that be) to convene a zero tolerance (special task-force) comprising of officers form all the above mentioned law enforcement agencies; to free the Bahamas of being held hostage by these lawless gangs.

I’m of the conviction that our law enforcement agencies are fully aware of the various communities where these gangs exist. Seeing that I am not as educated as 99. 9% of you politicians and I don’t nor will I walk the paths of the religious leaders; it‘s a must that I ask you leaders this question “What‘s the problem?” Why are you crying about the gangs wreaking havoc in this country rather than aggressively enforcing the laws?

2. Spiritual side of gangs / sect:

The Pharisees, a separatist, exclusively Jewish religious sect / group. The Sadducees, sect / group: followers of certain heretical beliefs.  Yeshuwa Messiah (a. k. a. Jesus the Christ) also had a gang He called Disciples (Not Religious Christians, but Disciples), during His time walking the earth of which the Powers that be, called a sect.

After Yeshuwa ascended, His disciples / gangs (discipline ones to His teachings) were so influentially powerful in that here’s what the scriptures says about them in Acts.17:6. Referring to Paul and Silas. Acts.17: 6  And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

As a country, that which we’re calling or considering a problem; is really not a problem at all.  Our real problem is the inability of our law enforcement agencies / lawful gangs to be pro-active in showing these lawless gangs who’s in charge.  Then spiritually, we’ve got thousands of churches that are powerless against the kingdom of darkness which controls and influence these lawless gangs.  Again, speaking of Paul and Silas the scripture says:

“Acts.17: 6. These that have turned the world upside down” .

Unlike the anointed religious leaders of today who have mastered the art of rhetoric, but as it relates to turning the world (kingdom of darkness) upside down and casting out these demonic spirits that are wreaking havoc in this country; the religious church wants no part of that.

I’m of the persuasion that today’s religious church can be liken to a box of breakfast cereal.  It’s full of Flakes, Fruits and Nuts (Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc;) who have become the center of attention in the church. Therefore think it not strange that the street gangs and demonic spirits are not moved, threaten or intimidated by the religious churches and their host of rituals / activities. 

Listen ! There are some churches that are doing a whole lot of stuff, but again I hasten to say that “Yahweh is not moved or impressed by their stuff”      

Watch Yeshuwa’ remarks in  Matt.7:22-23, about when the religious church comes to Him. This sounds somewhat like today‘s conference hosting church. 

Matt.7: 22.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

: 23.  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.    Which gang are you apart of?

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee AllenKingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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