The Pastor's Pulpit
How Great is our God?
By Pastor Allen
Mar 17, 2010 - 8:33:44 AM

There is no doubt that these are tough, trying times for many Bahamians; as people are being pressed on every side.  It’s times such as this that I dare to ask the question “What do you do, when pressure presses you?”

The saint of Old use to sing the song (Be very sure, your anchor holds). If there is ever a time that one needs to be sure of his or her anchor’s stability, that time is now. The global economic downturn somewhat helped in locating where many of us are spiritually; as even some religious leaders are crying about the decline in the church’s tithes and offering. How sad, but then again that’s religion for ya:

What we’re facing as a nation today can be liken to the various types of famines which took place in what we call “the bible days.”  It was during these times that the nation of Israel based upon their obedience to God’s word, saw and experienced a mighty move of God (elohiym, el-o-heem').

One of the greatest tricks and deceptions that the enemy is successfully using against the children of God is that of religion.  As he (Satan) knows of the great, awesome power of God, he has infiltrated and contaminated the act of true worship and relationship with Father Yahweh; with the diversities religious beliefs.

Have you ever asked the question or heard the question being asked “if we’re all serving the same God why are there so many different churches and denominations?  And then only to hear some so-called deep religious person give their unbalanced synopsis of the body that’s made up of many parts.

Be that as it may, I’m not hating on the churches and denominations; more power to them. For there is just as many or even more night clubs, liquor stores, gambling houses, etc; that‘s successfully handling their business, and nobody is hating on them.

Nevertheless, my case and point is this:  I do strongly believe that the Bahamas has been ordained the Spiritual Mecca of the western hemisphere.  For this is one of the reasons why the enemy has strategically satiated this nation with a very strong deceptive religious spirit. Whereas the only true and pure religion that favorably catches God’s attention is this: James.1:27.  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

With the above being said, I wish to suggest to my fellow Bahamians that it’s time for them to (Man-Up) and put their religions and politics aside, and seek the face of God.  As both religion and politics has one common denominator which is; they’re both man centered.  Despite all the rhetoric and futile promises, the glory of politics is always showered upon the politician; likewise the glory of religion is methodically showered upon the religious leaders in spite of the watered down sayings of “all glory and honor goes to God” 
It’s in difficult, challenging times such as these that the most high God searches for a  people whom he can show himself strong through.  Watch this! 2Chron.16: 9  For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.  

Through ignorance many Bahamians are of the view that the heavenly host is overwhelmed with joy when proudly boast; that the Bahamas is a Christian nation.  In actuality what they’re saying is that “the Bahamas is a religious nation” and this fact is evident from the many different religious organizations we’ve got in the country.

There are a few things in the Bahamas that one dare not touch or talk against in order to stay in the good gracing of the Bahamian public; here’s three of those untouchable things, (1) their politics, (2) their lodges, and (3) their religion.

Today’s religious leaders are doing a good job in talking about God, and marketing / merchandising their materials to a handsome financial profit.  But as it relates to walking in the (dunamis, doo'-nam-is) power of God the religious leaders are not able to, as they’ve chosen and are committed to conforming; rather than to be transformed by the renewing of their minds.

There is a war cry in the spirit realm over the Bahamas for a mighty move of God; as an intense war is being waged between the Spirit of God and the religious spirit that lauds over these Islands. 

Please note: That the spiritual breakthrough and victory that’s about to take place throughout the length and breath of these Islands is not going to come via today’s religious (Bishops, Apostles, Doctors, etc;) who are busy prostituting the gospel in Jesus’ name.

But  God is raising up no-named sons and daughters whose hearts are perfect towards him; thereby showing himself strong on their behalf.  It is during this time that the entire nation of the Bahamas would have no other choice than to boldly declare “How great is our God”  As even those of a criminal mind-set would surrender to the power of God and repent of their criminal ways.

The adulterous man and the adulteress woman would turn from their wicked ways and up-hold / restore their martial covenant. The children of the Bahamas would once again become obedient to the parents as they strongly adhere to the scriptures especially that of  Ephesians chapter six.

Eph.6:1.  Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
: 2.  Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;
: 3.  That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
How great is our God:

For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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