The Pastor's Pulpit
How Much Longer?
By Pastor Allen
Mar 16, 2009 - 7:02:22 PM

How much longer will Bahamians sit idle and allow the perverted Political and Religious systems hold you hostage? Almost two years ago, (YOU) Bahamians were in high spirit in preparation for the General Election. Do you remember? There were motorcades and political rallies all over the place, where your PLP & FNM candidates promised you a bunch of stuff / lies, of which you’ve swallowed “hook, line and sinker.”

I’ve come to the very same conclusion as (The Powers to be) in this country which is; “ Bahamians are a people that are good at crying about their situations, but are yet too divided to do the right thing that will bring about positive change for the entire country; which is to unite as one man / with one voice in true repentance before Yahweh.

Being the person that I am, I really don’t and can’t blame this present Government / Administration for the consistent deterioration of the country’s economic, moral and spiritual status. As a religious Christian nation with more churches and Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc, etc; than John ever saw, somehow we’ve conveniently forgot (Gal.6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap). Now, it is obvious that the Government / politicians don’t know what to do during these times if crisis, neither do the religious leaders. Therefore I make no apology in saying that “there are two types / class of people, I will never listen too; (1) politicians and (2) religious leaders”

So when the government and other so-called qualified professionals speaks foolishly about the Bahamas economic status as it relates to the U.S. economy and as they’re depending on their night in shining armor (President Barak Obama) to turn America’s economy around; I’m asking questions like “Are the Bahamian people that dumb or desperate to elect such fools – blind guides to govern / rule over their affairs? There will always be a segment of people that may feel hurt or offended whenever truth is being revealed. Many persons as well as the religious and political systems were offended at Yeshuwa Messiah (The Way, The Truth and The Life, Jn.14:6) because they could not handle the truth; just like many Bahamians today as well as the religious and political systems. As I’ve stated before, I’m a free man who is able to speak as the Holy Spirit lead me too. I’m not one of your political, religious church leaders or a product selling Pastor who needs the public financial support; therefore he has to remain silent on national issues, when the Father is looking for a voice to speak out.

What The Bahamas is now experiencing; is nothing more than the harvest from the seeds of wickedness and corruption that was sown many years ago by politicians and religious leaders. In the natural, even an unskilled farmer is aware of the fact that if he has planted a seed and don’t want the harvest which that seed has the ability to produce; he has to immediately remove / dig-up the sown seed. With that in mind, then tell me; how is it that people (especially) religious church-folks could conclude that as long as they sing a few Christian songs, shout Hallelujah once or twice; that the sown seeds of wickedness and corruption is never to be heard of again? News Flash! Bahamas, It’s Harvest Time: the murders and other serious crimes that we’re experiencing are byproducts of the seeds sown years ago.

The fault and responsibility for havoc that the enemy is wreaking throughout the Bahamas lies at the front doors of the religious church; whereas when the church should have been crying out against wickedness, greed and corruption it remain silent as many of its leaders were busy getting their share of the pie. Now here we are today, a nation that the enemy is having a field with and the ancient / old guard, compromising, religious church and leaders can’t do anything but standby powerlessly in a reactive mode. Watch this!

It really don’t matter how many religious conferences are held or how many so-called prophetic (pathetic) words has been spoken over these Island. Not until we (The Bahamas) truly return to God and the religious leaders put down their various religions, denominations, titles and begin to love one another will Yahweh hear our cry and heal our land. 2Chron.7:14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.

Bahamians, in order to secure and safeguard a better, brighter Bahamas for your children’s children we’ve got to come together collectively and seek the face of Yahweh; the one true God. Let’s stop allowing politics and religion to divide and destroy us. There is no man, who has and is yet walking this earth that is perfect in all his ways and doings except Yeshuwa Messiah.

For questions and comments feel free to contact us via E-mail:  or Ph.441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l, Pastor Matthew K. Allen

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