The Pastor's Pulpit
It's Not Over!
By Pastor Allen
Mar 15, 2009 - 7:19:50 AM

As a Nation we’re experiencing some challenges; financial, marriage, health, spiritual, etc, etc; but let me assure you that these challenges will work out for your good, as long as you just hold on and don’t give up. The enemy and this world’s system would celebrate the fact that you’ve thrown in the towel and quit. Years ago, there was a secular song that said “Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Despite your present circumstances, the enemy knows that you are a winner; because you’ve been created in the expressed image of your heavenly Father (Yahweh).

The Bahamas is dear to God’s heart; as a nation it is time for us to give God our undivided attention. Now, we know that if the truth be told the vast majority of us have looked and is yet looking to the lost politicians and powerless religious leaders for answers and deliverance from the troubled / difficult times that we’re facing personally and nationally. The veil and excuses for the deterioration of this beautiful Bahamas and the welfare of its people, that our leaders are hiding behind is this; “America and the world is in a recession, that’s why we’re going through what we’re experiencing” and to this, I say nonsense.

At the end of the day when the dusk is cleared, it will be a proven fact that America’s present so-called recession is the results of greed and corruption among those who were trusted to be people of integrity. Likewise, the Bahamas is facing the same fate as a result of greed and corruption. It doesn’t matter how the politicians (FNM & PLP) tries to dress up and cover the acts of mismanagement, corruption and greed. The Clico insurance saga is just the beginning of that which is to come. Both present and former administrations have done a good job in swinging the grassroots through the use of the government owned radio and television station, and other compromising print media to advance their twisted cause; but God’s justice will always prevail.

If there was ever a time that the true meaning of the slogan “It’s Better in the Bahamas” has been revealed to me that time is now. The Clico saga is but a drop in the bucket as it relates to the level of corruption that runs throughout the length and breath of this country. Personally, I will never listen to; much less believe a word that comes out of the politician’s mouth. Had this Clico drama happened in America, I can assure you that at the end of the day somebody would be going to jail; but then again, It’s Better in the Bahamas! Sad but true, many Bahamians will someday learn that this slogan doesn’t apply just to tourism; but to the contrary this is a haven where corrupt practices and greed seem to be the order of the day. The old folks had a saying “that time, is longer than rope”

God has a way of exposing dirt and corruption; the politicians can say and do all that’s within their power to hide and try to justify their dirty actions, but as we know whatever is done in the dark; will be brought into the light. Let’s talk briefly about Clico, as well as the Banking - financial industry; where in many cases we’ve got politicians or their hand picked persons serving and sitting on the boards of these companies in various capacities. These sorts of practices and behaviors are the breeding ground for corruption and unethical acts; think about. It’s a little worst than having the Rat watching over and protecting the cheese.

In the Clico’s scenario, who do the customers / clients complain too and get justice from? They can’t go to the POLICE, because they (The Police) despite all the rhetoric; are subjected to the Government / political leaders. There is something that’s called Job-Security and if that Police Officer wants to secure his job, when the order comes down to “end that investigation or have the case becomes sine-die” such order has to be carried out. What most disturbing about the level of corruption and greed among our leaders is that the church is in no position to confront, challenge and drive out this spirit; because many of the country’s leading clergymen have already compromised their integrity one way or another. Many of them are busy seeking fame and fortune, writing their books, constructing mega sanctuaries to host their money making conferences and getting on the Word Network and TBN. As a result the enemy has his agents (known and unknown) that are effectively executing his plans. Today the very gate of HELL has been unleashed against the Bahamas and the compromising religious leader are in no position to rebuke or bind; even a used / worn-out demon.

There are lots of talks within the churches about the kingdom of God. Today we’ve got kingdom bread, kingdom water, kingdom junkanoo groups, kingdom shop, etc, etc; but yet we lack the true manifestation of God’s kingdom in the Bahamas. Despite all the deep revelations being put forth about the kingdom, here’s the simplicity of God’s kingdom. Rom.14:17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peach and joy in the Holy Ghost.

If there was twenty church leaders in this country that were willing to put their ministry, their titles and die-out to self and collectively seek the face of Father Yahweh on the behalf of this nation, God’s righteousness would prevail. If God’s righteous judgment were apart of the Bahamian culture the Clico matter and the other games that are being ran on the Bahamian people; would be called into an open account and if need be an external agency would conduct these investigations.

For questions, comments contact us via E-mail:  or Ph.225-3850 or 441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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