The Pastor's Pulpit
It’s that time Again !
By Pastor Matthew K. Allen‏
Nov 26, 2009 - 10:53:17 PM

It’s that time of the year “Christmas season, and the approaching New Year” when Bahamians are most vulnerable (especially) the gullible political and religious ones. 

Here’s a hard / difficult pill for me to swallow, but I’ve got to accept the facts for what they are; which is: “that Bahamians, are suckers for bad treatment“.  With that being the case;  the leaders of our country’s two most influential systems (Politics & Religion) despite all of their rhetoric; will never seek to truly empowerment the masses.
Why is this? 
It’s because the empowerment of a people by their leaders will result in the severing of a dependency / hand-out relationship.  This distorted relationship is one of control and manipulation of which both today’s politicians and religious leaders have come to master.

The political perspective:
The politicians knows exactly which buttons to push in order to prime the pumps of their political junkies.  Both Prime Ministers, former and present have done an excellent job in selling their supposedly bitter rivalry to the naïve Bahamian public; whereas nothing could be further from the truth.  The absence of wisdom and a fraction common sense by the politically driven Bahamian public, prohibits them from understanding that the leaders of both major political parties are the left and right wing of the same bird and agenda. 
Sir. Lynden enjoyed his twenty-five (25) years rule as Prime Minister; and now his two political sons (The Rabbit & The Farmer) or better still (Old Sitting Bull & The Rock of Gibraltar) have covenanted to share twenty-five also; as one will take fifteen years and the other ten years.

The old bait and hook tactic never fails, and rest assure that Sir. Lynden was proficient at using this tactic. Whenever governance and accountability was being questioned or a cry of the people leading up to a general election.   Like clock work; one could expect to see an African slave movie like “Roots or Sounder” showing on ZNS, that would bait and hook the grassroots; and in a matter of days the people were at ease and lured back to sleep.
Say what you wish about Sir. Lynden; whether you liked him or not. This man was strategist who knew his people.

I’m led to believe that Sir. Lynden truly understood the spirit of Ronnie Butler’s song (I know them long time, them people are mine) 

Unfortunately the people to people skills of Sir. Lynden seems to have evaded his two political sons; whose primary focus and goal is the securing of their twenty five (25), which requires the assistance of their diehard supporters; but yet has nothing to do with the empowerment of Bahamians.
The Bahamas is at least three to four generations away from seeing the kind of governance that would truly seek to empower its people; thereby giving credence to the slogan “It‘s Better in the Bahamas”

The religious perspective :
Today’s church can’t speak with an effective, authoritative voice on the above mentioned national issues. Due to the fact that the church leadership is so contaminated by two strongholds (1)  compromising politically motivated religious leaders and (2) fame and fortune seeking religious leaders who have perfected their craft of merchandising the gospel.
These are but a few reasons why our wayward young men and women on the streets stays away from the church and finds more comfort in gangs. These young people are no fools as they’re able to see / detect phoniness from mile away.
Today’s church offers religion and uses the bible to convey its religious beliefs that ultimately promotes (The Bishop, Apostle, Doctor, Pastor, etc;) of which the young people sees as pimps in the pulpit. Whereas the gangs offers these same young men and women a bonding relationship; which they accept and are committed to.
As we embark upon the Christmas season and crossing over into a New Year; the financial fleecing / raping of church congregations  will be at an all time high.  I’m convinced that not only have today’s religious leaders missed the bulls eye, but are not even close to the dart board when it comes to the concept and principles of Shepherd and Sheepfold. 

Erroneous religious teachings via the misappropriation of God’s word has resulted in today’s shepherds (Religious Leaders) prospering and living high on the hill; whiles the sheepfold (church members) live a life of poverty in the valley. One need not be a spiritual guru to understand that something is drastically wrong with today’s shepherd / sheep relationship. For even in the natural the sheep is a shepherd’s most pride possession of which he cares for at all cost.

Here’s some characteristic of a good shepherd:
1. A good shepherd / Pastor is one that would go without or deny himself for the sake of the sheepfold.
2. A good shepherd / Pastor is known by the conditions of his sheep and not by his bank accounts, the size house he lives in or the type vehicle he drives.
3. A good shepherd / Pastor is one that would not fleece (financially rape) the sheep for he knows that rough weather (difficult times) are ahead; and its during these times that the sheep’s wool (finances) is of the utmost importance to them.

King David paints a clear picture of a shepherd’s provisional care for the sheepfold in the 23rd Psalm. 

Watch this!
 Ps.23:1. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
: 2.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
: 3.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Then here’s what Yeshuwa said:  John.10: 11.  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l, 


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