The Pastor's Pulpit
New Year, New Rules!
By Pastor Allan
Dec 30, 2009 - 4:07:26 PM

It is customary for leaders (especially religious leaders) to make their presence felt and known by extending their New Year greetings to the nation.  Well, if you don’t know by now; you will find out real quickly that  I am not a religious leader or person; and therefore I’m free to speak as the Holy Spirit leads me and will never sugar coat what needs to be said.

Listen, as a nation we could sing, dance and shout Happy New Year all we want; but if we refused to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, we are just wasting our time in singing, dancing and shouting. 

Throughout the years many questions have been asked as to “Our identity” as a nation, reasons being is that we’re constantly conforming to every rules and regulations that any international body (World Systems) hands down.  Again, this is one of the reasons why whatever aspect of a national vision that was left in place by our forefathers, and the true essence of independence has been thrown to the dumps by the country’s current poor representation of leaders.

It is much easier to conform than to be transformed as a result our leaders (Political, Religious, Parental & Civic) have all chosen to taken the easy path of conforming.

Watch this!
Rom.12:1.  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

: 2.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
In the Greek this word conform is: suschematizo, soos-khay-mat-id'-zo; to which one of its meanings is to be fashion alike. 

The meanings of this word is a classic example of who we are as a nation; for we’re constantly trying to become and fashioning ourselves like somebody else:  i.e. Our religious leaders are all trying to be like their U.S.A.  religious idols, Bishop T.D Jakes, Paul Morton, Noel Jones, etc; and I’ve yet to determined who our political leaders are portraying, for they are the consummate chameleons. This national identity crisis has also impacted our children insomuch that many of them are trying to be like Mike, lil Kim, Beyonce or some other superstar, no matter the cost.

In the Greek this word transformed is: metamorphoo, met-am-or-fo'-o; from which we get the word "metamorphosis" the transfiguration / transformation of a somewhat ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.

As a people, once we submit to and align ourselves with God’s word; no matter how ugly a situation we’re facing, the Holy Spirit begins a transformation process in our lives and affairs. But unfortunately we’ve chosen to conform, rather than to be transformed.

With the conforming mind-set being the standard and methods of operation in this country; the year 2010, will be the same or even worst than the previous years.      
Please hear me!  Secure this article until the end of (2010) and I can assure you that without a renewed mind-set nationally we will be crying over the same set of problems and issues; as we point fingers at one another in the casting blame and faults over crimes and other ill‘s of our society.

A New Year is nothing strange or mystical, as it is celebrated globally; maybe at a different calendar date in some countries but the concept is still the same. The question we all should be asking ourselves is this “What am I prepared to do different from that of last year, to help make myself and country better?)

This year I am trying very hard to discipline myself in not being repetitious when it comes to the two ancient strongholds of this nation where the chief criminals rule; and these two strongholds are The Religious and Political systems.
The change that Father Yahweh is bringing to the Bahamas is not coming through any of the leaders of the two above mentioned system, but rather God is raising up no-named persons, ordinary people whom even you would least expect as instruments of change.    As a nation we’ve been well trained in how to cover certain sins and criminal acts, and yet expect God’s blessings to fall upon us.

For compromising reasons, many of this country’s religious leaders can’t authoritatively speak out against the spirit of corruption and dishonesty which has its free course in the Bahamas.  2010, is going to be a year of exposing and manifestation; God is going to expose the filth and dirt of all forms of wicked / twisted leaders, no matter what office or position one might hold and their previous accomplishments.  And then the manifestation of true sons and daughters of God. 
This may not be something that you want to hear and read at the beginning of the New Year, but I assure you that it’s from the throne room of God; and it can be liken to that of the medicines Castor Oil or Cod Liver Oil that 'Grand Ma' use to give.  It might not have tasted good to you, but it was sure good for Ya. 
If the truth offends you, then Pastor Allen is not a speaker to invite at your religious gatherings / conferences, etc;

Happy New Year and may the FOG (Favor of God) be with you.

For questions or comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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