The Pastor's Pulpit
Obama, or O’ Jesus
By Pastor Allen
Feb 21, 2009 - 1:41:00 AM

In a small country such as The Bahamas where 65% of our elected officials are lawyers and everybody else are Christians; how is it that we’ve allowed the law of deterioration to eat away the pillars of morality, progress and stability in this country?

There is a root cause to the outbreak of suicides and murders that this so-called Christian nation is experiencing, yet our leaders (both) religious and political are running around like headless chickens looking for answers. Whenever I speak of vision the religious leaders are angry as I’m constantly refuting their concept of vision which in most cases is nothing more than a building project to advance their ministry. Likewise the politicians also get angry as they run too and hide behind the pre-emblems of the constitution as their vision.

It is obvious that after the passing of the leadership baton by Sir. Lynden Pindling; whatever the vision was for The Bahamas went out of the window; as today’s weak leaders looks too and embraces the visions of ever foreign investor that comes to our shores.

Are the foreign investors wrong for having things their way? No, they’re not; it’s just that they’ve seen the weakness in our visionless leadership and takes advantage of it. The thought of The Bahamas being for Bahamians first is nothing more than a myth. The Bahamas is being sold to the highest bidder by both sides of the political divide; foreign investors can tell a Bahamian to leave his or her island / beach and their business partners the government have created ways to justify the foreign investors position.

Sir. Lynden may not have being as perfect as the rest of you Bahamians (black and white); but when it came to standing up and properly representing his country and people, even if other world leaders and foreign investors didn’t like him; they respected him. Oh’ how the tides have turned!

As stated a few weeks ago, I’m not surprised at the visionless statements and remarks that are being made by our blind leaders who are promoting and waiting for President Barack Obama visionary leadership to revive America’s economy; in order for Bahamians in the Bahamas to survive. I am not an FMN or PLP but rather I’m a patriotic Bahamian that loves our country too much to remain silent while our country goes to ruins due to visionless leadership. Both former and present government / administration are totally lost when it comes to positioning the Bahamas to successfully compete in the cutting – edge technology industry and discoveries. Every year our schools are putting out thousands of students of whom 90 % are not able to survive in the technology / information age.

Our leaders have and are yet doing an excellent job in preparing the people for the nation’s # 1- Dying Industry, our bread and butter; Tourism.

I am deeply troubled at the fact that we’ve got so many educated, professionals in this country yet we are rapidly digressing.

A little food for thought:

Do you know that there was a time when The Bahamas was known worldwide as the jewel of the Caribbean with their Mercedes Benz Taxi, etc; what has happened from then to now?

The above scenario about the Mercedes Benz Taxi is just an eye opener, with the intent of turning on the light switch in our brains; thereby causing us to begin to think soberly. Now, I am fully aware that it’s futile for me to ask our political leaders of today to think; because this would then call for them to use their brains and to some of them that would be considered as hard labor / work.

Based upon the direction that this country is heading I’m convinced that if some of the world’s greatest neuro surgeons were to condense the brains of today’s politicians and transplant it into the world most majestic bird (The Eagle); after the surgery I can assure you that this bird would begin to fly backward rather than forward.

As a pastor I am very interested in world affairs and end-time events; therefore whenever I listen to the politicians and the religious leaders, I’m constantly asking myself “what world are these fools living in?”

The New World Order is well on its way as the information age (The Internet, Satellite communication, tracking systems and devices). Meanwhile our visionless leaders have absolutely no clue as to what’s going on, and how to prepare the nation’s youths for the technology age. It seems as if when it comes to producing hotel works (maids, waiters, bus boys, etc,) for the tourist industry; our leaders have covenanted with the foreign investors to supply this demand.

If it’s Junkanoos and clowns that the world is looking for, our leaders are ensuring that the Bahamas does not disappoint the world? But if it’s producing the next noble peace prize winner, the next great scientist or next world renowned neuro surgeon or search engine genius. The visionless ness and incompetence of our leaders to produce persons says to the world “look every where else except the Bahamas” here are a few signs of our nation in trouble.

When our elected leaders who are suppose to write and cast their vision this nation, is banking and waiting on the visionary leadership of President Barack Obama to bail them out. When our leaders can inform the nation of the number of criminals that are out on bail for serious crimes and they (Leaders) can’t or aren’t doing anything about it; and when we’re having four – five murders a month. When our leaders and people can only see through the eyes of politics and religion. The politician’s interest is to see which of them would get the gun / power (The Rabbit or The Farmer). The Religious leaders are competing to seeing who can have the largest church building …… $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (Ching, Ching)

Bahamas! Don’t be fooled any longer by these slick talking political and religious leaders; it’s not Obama, O’ Ingraham or O’ Christie. It should always be - O’ Jesus (Yeshuwa Messiah).

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:   or Ph. 242-441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastor Matthew K. Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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